User talk:FalconGK81

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* Strong Javelin Toss
* Strong Javelin Toss
* Tripping Tail Sweep
* Tripping Tail Sweep
* Twin Heals
* Volley of Thorns
* Volley of Thorns
* Ogre Gauntlets
* Ogre Gauntlets

Revision as of 21:05, 29 July 2013

Manual updates

From Phaselock: Posting here stuff from beta builds > 1.26. Cards manually edited are also reflected here.


   Changed trigger rolls to "saving rolls" for negative effect triggered cards (Unstable Bolt, etc). PL: cards updated for Demonic Miasma, Defensiveness, Large Weapon, Slowed, Unstable Bolt.
   Leadership restricted to two cards for allies other than you. Fixed leadership text. PL: card updated
   Fixed rarity bar on Hurled Dagger. PL: card updated
   Zero damage displays on card (Touch of Death). Touch of Death rules text clarified. PL: card updated
   Clarified that damage boosting cards only boost attacks that do damage. PL: cards updated, Unholy Wellspring, Savage Curse. 
   Clarified that various damage bonuses are applied when the card does damage (Anvil Strike, etc). Reworded "damage dealing" to "doing damage" on some cards. PL: card updated, Mob Attack, Zombie Mob, Cowardly Attack, Swarming Attack, Devastating Blow, Anvil Strike, Tree Limb Smash, Word of God. 
   Violent Spin uses a new component and should no longer trigger blocks. PL: card updated
   Changed name of "minor Heals" card to "Twin Heals" PL: card updated


   Arcane Aura makes it clear that it only affects cards that already do damage. PL: card updated
   Made force bolt, force blast and force cone have a purple (arcane) effect in the card illustrations. PL: card updated


   Changed name of Healing Burst to Healing Pulse. PL: card updated


   tweaked art on Arcane spray and Surging Blast cards PL: cards updated + Surging Bolt
   tweaked Zap cards and other Arcane attack cards to use a uniform purple effect style. PL: Zap, Little Zap, Big Zap, Penetrating Zap, Unstable Bolt, Sorcerous Blast,Sorcerous Bolt, Penetrating Bolt updated
   Fixed typo on Shambling bash card PL: card updated


   Martyr Blessing only draws on damage from enemy controlled cards. PL: card updated
   Fixed some punctuation on card flavor text.
   shortened Spark Inductor card text to fit keyword. PL: card updated


   Renamed Guardian Angel to Lifesaving Block. PL: card updated
   Clarified Talented Healer rules. PL: card updated
   Added missing Heal keyword to Healing Burst. PL: card updated
   modified violent overswing card art to depict bashing weapon PL: card updated


   Whirlwind rules state that it "places" not "moves". PL: card updated
   Fixed rules text on Retreat. PL: card updated
   Shift, Team! renamed to Shuffle, Team! PL: card updated
   Fixed text on Perplexing Ray. PL: card updated
   Clarified damage/healing order on misguided heal PL: card updated
   Added "may self target" to greater heal. Fixed Greater Heal keyword. PL: card updated
   Made Mind Worm a pure Attack card. PL: card updated


   Clarified damage/healing order on misguided heal PL: card updated
   Added "may self target" to greater heal. Fixed Greater Heal keyword. PL: card updated
   Made Mind Worm a pure Attack card. PL: card updated


   Team <x> and <x>, Team! cards are now explicitly pushes (i.e. aren't affected by move boosts or nerfs). PL: Run, Team! , Shift, Team! , Team Shift , Walk, Team! , Dash, Team! , Sprint, Team! , Team Run , Scuttle, Team! , Scamper, Team!  updated


   Fixed typo on Help the Weak PL: card updated


   Added Stink bomb card art PL: card updated
   added card art for Bronze Plates PL: card updated


   Fixed Lesser Contagion Text PL: card updated
   Clarified that Inspiring Presence affects yourself. PL: card updated
   Fixed Lunging Hack damage type PL: card updated


   Made Mind Worm text a bit clearer. PL: card updated
   Clarified Firestarter rules text. PL: card updated
   Talented Healer only draws on play of Heal cards. PL: card updated
   Fixed lots of typos in Card Flavor text, fixed a couple of card text issues.
   Added flavor text to cards.
   Stone Spikes was listed as a melee attack. Changed it to Magic. PL: card updated
   Fixed art for accelerate time card
   Added card art for Flowering Fungus PL: card updated

Bot Status

Bot is now running with all card types and is current to build 1.26.

Card Corrections (outstanding)



  • Soothing Darkness: play effect text contains an interesting (), lol Falcon: Tell the devs the CSV has the duration text inside (), which is different from every other duration inside the text box.


  • Noxious Breath: Effect text has a typo "attached , Poison", the comma shouldn't have a whitespace before it.


  • Elemental Resistance: Image has an effect text box, but the card has no effect text.
  • Icy Block: Reaction 2 Keep. Likely a typo. Also, "duration 2" in effect text is not formatted as "Duration 2" like all other cards.
  • Stuck Arrow: Reaction 2 Keep. Likely a typo.



  • Arcane Feedback: Csv says that the "cannot be played" text belongs in the effect text box. PL: highlighted to devs
  • Slowed: Flavor text added in 1.23. Csv says that the "cannot be played" text belongs in the effect text box. PL: highlighted to devs
  • Superstitious: The wiki says it has "keep", but the image doesn't show it saying "keep". PL: highlighted to devs
  • Wimpy: The wiki says it has "keep", but the image doesn't show it saying "keep". PL: highlighted to devs


  • Blind Rage: Flavor text added in 1.22. PL: card image doesn't show, highlighted to devs
  • Fiery Fist PL:looks like incomplete...2 colors but only 1 effect



Cards Missing Card Art

  • Reactive Trip PL: card art updated
  • Healing Spores
  • Regeneration
  • Bronze Punch
  • Flapping Lunge
  • Flurry of Steel
  • Lay Waste
  • Long-armed Chop
  • Mighty Javelin Throw
  • Rock-hard Punch
  • Single-head Bite
  • Spelldrain Spike
  • Spiked Fist
  • Stake Missile
  • Stone Claws
  • Strong Javelin Toss
  • Tripping Tail Sweep
  • Twin Heals
  • Volley of Thorns
  • Ogre Gauntlets
  • Accelerate Time

Current Image Addition Suggestions


  • Enabling Aura PL: card not yet implemented
  • Greased Armor PL: card not yet implemented
  • Made of Stone PL: has empty play effect, card image not captured


  • Blessed Beacon PL: card not yet implemented
  • Jump, Soldier! PL: card not yet implemented
  • Move it, Soldier! PL: card not yet implemented, card name contains double space
  • Over the Top PL: card not yet implemented
  • Pact of Healing PL: card not yet implemented


  • Blizzard PL: card not yet implemented
  • Crippling Slash PL: card not yet implemented
  • Fate Reversal PL: card not yet implemented
  • Launching Blow PL: card not yet implemented
  • Mesmerising Beacon PL: card not yet implemented
  • Painful Beacon PL: card not yet implemented


  • Block Link PL: card not yet implemented
  • Charmed Block PL: card not yet implemented
  • Reactive Smoke Bomb PL: card not yet implemented
  • Sticky Bomb PL: card not yet implemented


  • Attractive PL: card not yet implemented
  • Spell Train PL: card not yet implemented


  • Easily Daunted PL: card not yet implemented
  • Repulsive PL: card not yet implemented


  • Fiery Fists PL: card not yet implemented
  • Fiery Incantation PL: card not yet implemented
  • Freezing Fists PL: card not yet implemented
  • Freezing Incantation PL: card not yet implemented
  • Parrying Cut PL: card not yet implemented
  • Sparking Fists PL: card not yet implemented
  • Sparking Incantation PL: card not yet implemented


  • Blaze PL: card not yet implemented
  • Scouting Run PL: card not yet implemented


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