The Throne of Strench

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Throne of Strench Intro.png
Number of Scenarios 3
  • No party deaths
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By

Part 1 - Frozen Warren

Throne of Strench Part 1 Map.png
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Trog Gougers 2
Trog Spearman 2
Pre-Battle Description
There is a fine reason why these idlands were deserted generations ago. It is because they are a miserable and inhospitable place, covered for much of the year by ice and snow. You outfit yourself with the requisite supplies to overcome the conditions and head off. Through the snow, you observe many wandering parties of Trog guards scouring the island in search of unwanted intruders. One such group approaches now...
Post-Battle Description
You inspect the dead Trogs and find clues that they are organized to an extent not normally associated with these feral creatures. They carry crude backpacks with supples, as well as bearing iron weapons. This would suggest that there may be some truth to the rumors of a Troglodyte King.

Part 2 - Frozen Cavern

Throne of Strench Part 2 Map.png
Victory Stars Loss Stars
6 6
Enemies Quantity
Trog Gougers 2
Trog Spearman 2
Trog Scuttlers 2
Pre-Battle Description
beyond the cave you discover deserted guard posts, fires and other signs of life. You must delve further into these icy caves to discover what kind of twisted society the Trogs have formed down below...
Post-Battle Description
Although the frost environment makes the stink of the Trog bodies somewhat easier to bear, it is nonetheless a stomach-turning exercise to search their foul man-skin backpacks for loot. There is little else of value in this benighted place. You hurry onward, keen to reserve this expedition before you are overcome by the cold.

Part 3 - Frozen Throne

Throne of Strench Part 3 Map.png
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Trog Gougers 2
Strench the Pungent 2
Pre-Battle Description
With persistence and luck you eventually fight your way through the Trog defenses to a vaulted chamber. Within is the Troglodyte King, Strench the Pungent, flanked by his bodyguard. Strench issues a gutteral challenge in his own horrid language as you prepare yourselves to put a timely end to his reign!
Post-Battle Description
With a gutteral howl, Strench falls to the floor and is consumed by the arcane fire he strove to wield... The Trog King is dead! You liberate his treasure hoard and prepare to leave this place. The people of Cardhuntria can rest easier in the knowledge that these flesh eating horrors will no longer hunt them in the blizzard seas, or make meals of unwary travelers.

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