From Card Hunter Wiki
This is the skeletal outline for a item page, usage is as follows:
{{Itempage |image1=<image_filename.jpg, mandatory> |name=<Item name, mandatory> |type=<Item type, mandatory> |rarity=<Item rarity (CUREL notation), mandatory> |expansion=<Item from expansion, optional> |level=<Item level, mandatory> |talent={{ItemTalent|<CSTP notation>|<CSTP notation>}} |value=<item value in gold, optional> |deleted?=<item deleted?, optional> |noloot?=<no loot flag, optional> |itemcard1_qty=<qty of 1st card, mandatory> |itemcard1_name=<name of 1st card, mandatory> |itemcard2_qty=<qty of 2nd card, optional> |itemcard2_name=<name of 2nd card, optional> |itemcard3_qty=<qty of 3rd card, optional> |itemcard3_name=<name of 3rd card, optional> | and so on... }}