White Skull Canyon

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White Skull Canyon Intro.png
Number of Scenarios 2
Unlocked By

Part 1 - White Skull Gates

White Skull Canyon Part1 Map.png
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 4
Enemies Quantity
Ig-Gabig 1
Kobold Warriors 2
Pre-Battle Description
Returning to White Skull Canyon you follow the winding dry riverbed until you come to a high wooden wall. Suddenly the gates are thrown open. Kobold Warriors rush forward, egged on by their High Priest, Ig-Gabig!
Post-Battle Description
Victorious, you search the bodies. While your back is turned, Ig-Gabig's Feign Death enchantment dissipates and the shifty little Kobold priest slips away deeper into the lair. After him!

Part 2 - White Skull Gates

White Skull Canyon Part2 Map.png
Victory Stars Loss Stars
5 4
Enemies Quantity
Ig-Gabig 1
Kobold Warriors 3
Pre-Battle Description
Pursuing the Kobold Priest, you corner him in his stinking hut. Now it i time for the final showdown with these murderous bandits.
Post-Battle Description
Searching through the much and bodies, you recover what treasure you can. The Kobolds are overthrown and put to flight. The villagers can rest well tonight. You are now a fully fledged adventurer!

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