Cliffs of the Wyverns

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Cliffs of the Wyverns Intro.png
Number of Scenarios 4
  • No party deaths
  • All your levels are reduced to 8
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By

Part 1 - Low Nest

Cliffs of the Wyverns Part 1 Map.png
Victory Stars Loss Stars
6 6
Enemies Quantity
Baby Wyvern 3
Baby Wyverns 3
Pre-Battle Description
At the base of the cliffs are some crude steps cut into the rock. After a perilous climb, you find that these lead to a small cave, and you can see some shiny objects hidden among the sticks and leaves. Easy pickings? Perhaps…
Post-Battle Description
The power and strength of the infant monsters does not bode well for any encounters with any adult wyverns in the vicinity. You continue on and pray that you can avoid a pitched battle with such creatures.

Part 2 - Cliff Dwelling

Cliffs of the Wyverns Part 2 Map.png
Victory Stars Loss Stars
6 6
Enemies Quantity
Young Wyverns 2
Baby Wyverns 4
Pre-Battle Description
Wending your way up vertiginous switchbacks, you discover a group of young wyverns perched among the rocks. They guard their shiny trinkets with sharp-beaked jealousy, so beware!
Post-Battle Description
With some skill and fortune, you have managed to kill these airborne monstrosities. You fill your packs with their loot and continue your journey.

Part 3 - High Nest

Cliffs of the Wyverns Part 3 Map.png
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Young Wyverns 4
Pre-Battle Description
A group of young wyverns has built a large nest in the upper reaches of the cliffs. They hiss at the approach of terrestrial intruders…
Post-Battle Description
The wyverns’ nests are full of the bones of unfortunate peasants, many of whom were plucked unaware from the fields as they worked. Searching among the filth and detritus you find several items of value.

Part 4 - Eyrie Pinnacle

Cliffs of the Wyverns Part 4 Map.png
Victory Stars Loss Stars
8 6
Enemies Quantity
Baby Wyverns 4
Young Wyvern 2
Adult Wyvern 1
Pre-Battle Description
At last you reach the apex of the Cliffs, and here, guarding a ragged nest containing several primising items, is a wyvern larger than any you’ve seen so far. Its piercing screech rouses a number of its young brethren, and soon the air is filled with the sound of flapping wings…
Post-Battle Description
Standing here on this mighty peak, you stare out on your beloved Cardhuntria, aware of the great evil that threatens to overwhelm it and your role in defeating it. Such responsibilities weigh heavily on your shoulders. It is indeed lonely to be at the top.

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