System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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checkuser-block-noreason (Talk)You must give a reason for the blocks.
checkuser-block-success (Talk)'''The {{PLURAL:$2|user|users}} $1 {{PLURAL:$2|is|are}} now blocked.'''
checkuser-blocked (Talk)Blocked
checkuser-blocktag (Talk)Replace user pages with:
checkuser-blocktag-talk (Talk)Replace talk pages with:
checkuser-check (Talk)Check
checkuser-cidr-label (Talk)Find common range and affected IP addresses for a list of IP addresses
checkuser-cidr-res (Talk)Common CIDR:
checkuser-contribs (Talk)check user IP addresses
checkuser-create-action (Talk)was created
checkuser-desc (Talk)Grants users with the appropriate permission the ability to check user's IP addresses and other information
checkuser-edits (Talk)Get edits
checkuser-email-action (Talk)sent an email to user "$1"
checkuser-empty (Talk)The log contains no items.
checkuser-gblocked (Talk)Blocked globally
checkuser-ipeditcount (Talk)~$1 from all users
checkuser-ips (Talk)Get IP addresses
checkuser-limited (Talk)'''These results have been truncated for performance reasons.'''
checkuser-localonly (Talk)Not unified
checkuser-locked (Talk)Locked
checkuser-log-fail (Talk)Unable to add log entry
checkuser-log-ipedits (Talk)$1 got edits for $2
checkuser-log-ipedits-xff (Talk)$1 got edits for XFF $2
checkuser-log-ipusers (Talk)$1 got users for $2
checkuser-log-ipusers-xff (Talk)$1 got users for XFF $2
checkuser-log-return (Talk)Return to CheckUser main form
checkuser-log-subpage (Talk)Log
checkuser-log-useredits (Talk)$1 got edits for $2
checkuser-log-userips (Talk)$1 got IP addresses for $2
checkuser-logcase (Talk)The log search is case sensitive.
checkuser-massblock (Talk)Block selected users
checkuser-massblock-commit (Talk)Block selected users
checkuser-massblock-text (Talk)Selected accounts will be blocked indefinitely, with autoblocking of IP addresses enabled and account creation disabled. IP addresses will be blocked for one week for anonymous users only and account creation will be disabled.
checkuser-month (Talk)last 30 days
checkuser-nolog (Talk)No log file found.
checkuser-nomatch (Talk)No matches found.
checkuser-nomatch-edits (Talk)No matches found. Last edit was on $1 at $2.
checkuser-noreason (Talk)You must give a reason for this query.
checkuser-period (Talk)Duration:
checkuser-query (Talk)Query recent changes
checkuser-reason (Talk)Reason:
checkuser-reason-api (Talk)API: $1
checkuser-reset-action (Talk)reset password for user "$1"
checkuser-search-form (Talk)Find log entries where the $1 is $2
checkuser-search-initiator (Talk)initiator
checkuser-search-submit (Talk)Search
checkuser-search-target (Talk)target
checkuser-showlog (Talk)Show log
checkuser-summary (Talk)This tool scans recent changes to retrieve the IP addresses used by a user or show the edit/user data for an IP address. Users and edits by a client IP address can be retrieved via XFF headers by appending the IP address with "/xff". IPv4 (CIDR 16-32) and IPv6 (CIDR 96-128) are supported. No more than 5,000 edits will be returned for performance reasons. Use this in accordance with policy.
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