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Keywords give the player information about what a card does in compact form. They are used most often for game mechanics and rules that come into play repeatedly on many cards, like Armor or Holy. Because using a keyword is shorter than writing out the whole explanation, more text can be written on a card. Players are expected to learn and recognize many of these words, but Blue Manchu also provides a helpful tooltip on mouseover, and some cards do write the full rules if space permits.

List of Keywords


This paragraph describes the use of 'Armor' as a keyword, for other uses and more information see Armor (Card type).

Armor is used as a reaction keyword to describe a card that prevents or mitigates damage done to a character. It is always followed by a rating number representing the amount of damage against which the card protects. If another card would do less or equal damage than the Armor rating, then that damage is reduced to zero. If another card would do greater damage than the Armor rating, then that damage is reduced by the same amount as the rating. Some Armor cards may not protect against all types of damage, and some cards may have special rules that allow them to ignore Armor.


This paragraph describes the use 'Magic' as a keyword. For other uses, see Magic.

Magic describes certain card effects that are non-physical in nature, such as a Lightning Bolt or Teleport. This keyword usually appears above the card's rules box(es) and is not used to mean anything in itself so much as to describe how other cards might interact with it, e.g a card that prevents Magic damage or one that forces a character to discard when a Magic card is played.

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