Keep Unless

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  • In-Game Text: "Return this card to hand or re-attach after it triggers unless you roll exactly a <x>."

Game Effect

  • This card is not discarded when used according to the instructions that include Keep. It is discarded upon a die roll condition.

Keep Unless is a variant of the Keep mechanic. The card returns to a character's hand after using it unless a die roll condition is met. When the die roll is met, the card is automatically discarded. A card is Kept only when used according to the relevant instructions; Keep Unless does not prevent the card from being discarded during a forced discard or at the end of a round.

Keep Unless also appears on some traits that attach to a character when the effect of the card is described in a reaction box. In this case, Keep Unless refers only to the effect of the attachment and the card does not return to the player's hand when the attachment expires. As and when the attachment triggers, the card will re-attach if the die roll condition is not satisfied. If the die condition is satisfied, the attachment is discarded immediately.

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