Against the Cockroaches

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Against Cockroaches.jpg
Number of Scenarios 3
  • No party deaths
  • All your levels are reduced to 2
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
Garnet Demon Portal
Descent to the Core, Goblins in the Woods

[edit] Part 1 - Into the Filth

Against the Cockroaches Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars Victory Squares
6 6 1
Enemies Quantity
Giant Roaches 6
Giant Roaches 6
Pre-Battle Description
Shieldhaven’s sewers are a network of tunnels and secret rivers that stretch beneath the city. These were originally built for cosmetic rather than hygienic reasons. After some hours of wading through rivers of human waste, you encounter the first signs of whatever is behind this blight. A wave of Giant Cockroaches swarms you in great numbers. A platform in the north contains a lever that will close the sluice gate, cutting off the Giant Cockroaches. Hold the tile for six turns while the gate closes!
Post-Battle Description
These Giant Cockroaches are a foul and unnatural addition to the city’s ecosystem. Clearly some great power is behind this insect infestation. But what sort of monster would stoop to using these foul creatures as minions?

[edit] Part 2 - The Demon Stink

Against the Cockroaches Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars Victory Squares
6 8 1
Enemies Quantity
Morvin the Malodorous 1
Giant Roaches 4
Pre-Battle Description
Pressing further into the sewers, you eventually encounter the source of the trouble. The evil Stench Demon Morvin the Malodourous is here. Morvin occupies a small platform, surrounded on all sides by deep rivers of effluence. You must reach and kill Morvin before he can flood the sewers, which he will do in eight turns.
Post-Battle Description
Before you can land the killing blow Morvin escapes by diving into the noxious stream around him.

[edit] Part 3 - Morvin’s Revenge

Against the Cockroaches Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
6 6
Enemies Quantity
Giant Roaches 6
Reinforced Door 1
Morvin the Malodorous 1
Pre-Battle Description
During the pursuit your characters become separated from one another. One of them finds himself locked in a room with the filthy Stench Demon! Fight your way past a swarm of roaches before Morvin slaughters him!
Post-Battle Description
Morvin now lies dead on the ground, his tyranny over. Never again will the city be at the mercy of his noisome demonic dictator. You have struck a blow for the oppressed and the poor. For freedom!

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