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(Large Goblins)
(Large Goblins)
Line 18: Line 18:
! Deck Size
! Deck Size
| align="center"| 20
| align="center"| 31
! Standard Move
! Standard Move

Revision as of 16:41, 7 March 2013


Named Goblins




Large Goblins

Name: Goblin Grunt GoblinGruntA.png
HP 9
Deck Size 31
Standard Move Run
Favorite Cards 1x Missile Block
2x Clumsy Chop
3x Bludgeon
4x Weak Block
5x Able Bludgeon
Simple Strike
Reflect Missile
Found in Highway Robbery
Goblins in the Woods
Name: Goblin Grunt GoblinGruntA.png
HP 9
Deck Size 20
Standard Move Run
Favorite Cards 1x Missile Block
2x Clumsy Chop
3x Bludgeon
4x Weak Block
5x Able Bludgeon
Simple Strike
Reflect Missile
Found in Highway Robbery
Goblins in the Woods

Goblin Minions

Name: Goblin Grunt GoblinGruntA.png
HP 9
Deck Size 20
Standard Move Run
4x Missile Block
3x Clumsy Chop
2x Bludgeon
3x Weak Block
1x Able Bludgeon
2x Simple Strike
2x Reflect Missile
2x extra Run
Found in Highway Robbery
Goblins in the Woods
Name: Goblin Hulk GoblinHulk.png
HP 23
Deck Size 22
Standard Move Walk
Observed Cards 1x Missile Block
1x Clumsy
1x Obvious Maneuver
3x Meaty Goblin Fist
2x Powerful Bludgeon
2x Strong Hack
1x Bull Rush
1x Powerful Hack
1x extra Walk
Found in Highway Robbery
Gladiatorial Arena: Qualifying Round
Goblins in the Woods
Tree Forts of the Goblin King
Name: Goblin Shaman GoblinShaman.png
HP 15
Deck Size 16
Standard Move Run
Observed Cards 1x Missile Block
3x Energize
1x Unholy Frenzy
2x Righteous Frenzy
1x Minor Heal
1x Heal
4x Bludgeon
3x Able Bludgeon
1x extra Walk
Found in Highway Robbery
Goblins in the Woods

Small Goblins

Name: Goblin Grunt GoblinGruntA.png
HP 9
Deck Size 31
Standard Move Run
4x Missile Block
3x Clumsy Chop
2x Bludgeon
3x Weak Block
1x Able Bludgeon
2x Simple Strike
2x Reflect Missile
2x extra Run
Found in Highway Robbery
Goblins in the Woods
Personal tools
