Highway Robbery

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Highway Robbery.jpg
Number of Scenarios 3
Guaranteed Reward for Completion
Imp-proof Robes
  • No party deaths
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
White Skull Canyon
Rescue From Shieldhaven Prison
Cuthbert's Costumes
Chest and Barrel

[edit] Part 1 - Roadside Ambush

Highway Robbery Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
6 6
Enemies Quantity
Goblin Grunts 3
Goblin Grunts 3
Pre-Battle Description
Entreated by the oft-beleaguered Ommlet village elders, you set out to track and destroy the Bloodspear Goblins' supply caravan. After following the tracks for a mile or so, you come across a group of Goblins lurking behind some roadside boulders, no doubt left behind to slow your progress.
Post-Battle Description
You finish off the Goblin rearguard and empty their packs. Inspection of the tracks reveals that the wagons are headed for a small wood. Though the tracks are fresh, you feel the urgency of the situation. Don't let the caravan escape!

[edit] Part 2 - Forest Wagon

Highway Robbery Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
2 6
Enemies Quantity
Goblin Hulk 1
Pre-Battle Description
You emerge from the bracken to discover that one of the wagons has lost a wheel and the Goblins have left it behind. They clearly intend to return, for it is guarded by a huge Goblin Hulk. It bellows a war cry and rushes to the attack!
Post-Battle Description
The abandoned wagon is empty, a diversion intended to buy time for the main convoy. The greedy Goblin's pockets are stuffed with loot, however. You quickly gather up what looks useful and hurry onward...

[edit] Part 3 - Bluk, Goblin Chieftain

Highway Robbery Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Bluk, Goblin Chieftain 1
Goblin Shaman 1
Pre-Battle Description
The tracks lead to a hillside cave. Creeping through the brush, you are able to avoid the caravan guards and spy upon the lair's inhabitants. You recognize Bluk, a powerful Goblin Hulk who by might of arms has become chieftain of the Bloodspear Goblin tribe! Nearby is a Goblin Shaman dressed in clothes matching the caravan, on his way to request Bluk's aid for his mission.
Post-Battle Description
With Bluk defeated, the Goblin raiders immediately scatter, leaving the wagons behind. The Bloodspear tribe will have suffered a significant setback. The Ommlet villagers are once again indebted to you. Well done, heroes! Now let's see what those wagons contained...

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