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  • In-Game Text: "Attach to target. Target adds <x> damage to any Melee attacks they play."

Game Effect

  • When a character plays a Melee attack card, add the indicated amount to that card's total damage.

Frenzy works as a reaction that activates when a character uses a Melee type attack. The effect of Frenzy is to increase the total damage that card may perform against the target; when a character has several Frenzy cards to draw upon, each activates in sequence for a cumulative effect. Frenzy triggers before the target checks for defenses.

In spite of what the in-game text implies, there are two ways to use Frenzy. The first is indeed through a card attachment, when Frenzy will be part of a light colored instruction box. In this case, the attachment must be made before the Frenzy will activate. The second method involves cards that react directly from a character's hand, when Frenzy is part of a dark colored reaction box — in which case it is enough simply to draw and hold the card.

General Strategy

  • Use Frenzy to increase the power of your Melee attacks. Be aware that it does nothing for cards labeled Magic or Projectile.
  • To maximize the use of Frenzy, you must play as many Melee attacks as possible while you have the bonus.
    • Equip a character with plenty of Melee cards so that they can draw them when the opportunity comes. Note that some cards with Frenzy must be applied to a different character, so plan accordingly.
    • If your Frenzy must be attached first, try to do so before the target plays any attacks in that round.
    • Frenzy could be wasted if the character does not have sufficient movement to reach Melee range.
  • The Frenzy bonus does not count as part of a card's base damage for purposes of following card instructions.

Against opponents who use Frenzy:

  • Frenzy is a bonus applied to an attack, so any defenses you have against Melee attacks will help to protect against Frenzy. Perhaps the best defense is to stay out of melee range altogether: no attacks, no boosted damage.
  • Anything that discards Attachments may help against attach style Frenzy.
  • If the Frenzy is held in an enemy's hand, try to force a discard.
    • Some such cards have two separate reactions: triggering the other effect may cause a discard. (This is true of all examples in version Beta 1.22.)
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