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A Wizard is a crafty spellcaster who commands elemental forces in battle, from the pure energy of the Arcane to searing Fire and Acid . Typically, they must study long and hard to learn such incantions and so their physical strength suffers compared to other adventurers. Yet why would a Wizard choose to contest with brawn when he or she musters many of the longest range attacks in the land?

Human WizardElf WizardDwarf Wizard

Wizards by race


  • "Human Wizards manipulate and damage from afar. They have a good balance of mobility and toughness and at higher levels get access to the Human tactical planning Skills."
  • Human Wizards begin with 10 HP and gain 1 on a little less than two out of every three levels. (No gain at level 4, 7, 10, 12, 14, 17)


  • "Elven Wizards are renowned for their ability to annoy by casting spells from afar. Their natural mobility lets them dance out of danger more often than not. At higher levels, their Elven Skills accentuate this mobility even further."
  • Elven Wizards begin with only 8 HP and gain 1 the next level and every other level thereafter. (No gain at level 3, 5, 7, etc.)


  • "Dwarven Wizards usually come out best in a ranged fight due to their high health. However, they may have trouble staying out of melee range due to their slow movement. At higher levels, they can resist magic and shrug off damage."
  • Dwarven Wizards begin with 13 HP and gain 1 except on every fifth level. (No gain at level 6, 11, 16, etc.)

Wizard equipment

All Priests begin with a Staff slot, an Arcane Item slot, and Boots. They start with a Beginner's Staff equipped.

  • At level 2 they start using a second Arcane Item.
  • At level 3 they learn an Arcane Skill.
  • At level 4 they don a set of Robes.
  • At level 5 they wield still another Arcane Item.
  • At level 6 they unlock their Racial Skill abilities, whether Human, Elf, or Dwarf.
  • At level 7 they pick up a second Staff.
  • And at level 8 their final slot is for a fourth, yes fourth, Arcane Item.
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