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Combat in Card Hunter is largely straightforward a la traditional dnd. A combat sequence generally consists of an attack from an instigator, a block roll and/or an armor roll from the target. There are multiple attack types and damage types, as well as multiple types of blocks and armors. This guide presents some basics with regard to combat and commonly encountered keywords associated with attack, block and armor cards. Readers are advised to browse the Card Types and Keywords basic guide for detailed information.


An attack comprises of a damage payload and a delivery mechanism. The damage payload is described by two components: a damage type and/or a damage value/effect. The delivery mechanism refers to the way in which the payload is transferred, described by an attack type and a range. In Card Hunter, an attack does not necessarily need to have an attack range or a damage value. A global attack that targets all units in the board has no attack range. An attack that forcibly removes a target's cards from hand has no damage. In short, an attack consists of four components:

  • Attack range (optional)
  • Attack type
  • Damage type
  • Damage value (optional)

Due to the huge variety of attack and damage type combinations, there is a massive pool of attack cards available in game. In general, attack cards come in one of four classifications dependent on the target:

  • Attacking a target's hp
  • Attacking a target's hand (forced discards, removals etc.)
  • Attacking a target's terrain (obstacles, crowd control etc.)
  • Attacking a target's state (movement, ability to play cards etc.)
Figure 1 shows a staple card: Bludgeon. Bludgeon is a fairly common attack card found in most weapons. It is of melee attack type with a range of 1. Unmitigated, Bludgeon deals 4 crushing damage to a target. The attack type and damage type of a card are found in the card's information bar. The damage value is found beside the lower left sword symbol icon. The attack range is represented by a number beside the circular arrow symbol found in the lower right. Bludgeon is a very straightforward attack. It has no special keywords associated with it and does not carry other complicated instructions.

Compare Bludgeon against Acid Blast (Fig. 2) which is a different attack card. Acid Blast is of magic attack type with a range of 6. It deals acid damage type with no damage value. Card instructions indicate that Acid Blast modifies a target square into acid terrain which comes with a set of complicated effects and a duration. Clearly, Acid Blast is unlike Bludgeon. Where Bludgeon deals melee damage to a target at close range instantly, Acid Blast does not deal any damage. Instead, it modifies a terrain tile with a terrain attachment, impedes movement and debuffs any character standing on the terrain at the start of turn.

Bludgeon is a simple example of an attack that against a target's hp only. While Acid Blast is a complex example of an attack that targets the terrain, opponent's hand, state and hp. However, Acid Blast is not an easy card to use while Bludgeon is a no-brainer.
Fig. 1: Bludgeon attack card
Fig. 2: Acid Blast attack card
Figure 3 shows a special attack card. Just like Acid Blast, War Cry does not contain a damage value. It is a projectile attack dealing sonic damage type up to a range of 10. War Cry is specifically designed to punish a target's hand by removing all Blocks.

Fig. 1: Warcry attack card
Fig. 2: Surging Bolt hybrid card


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