Acquire Within

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Acquire Within module cover.jpg
Number of Scenarios 3
Pizza Cost to Unlock 40
Guaranteed Reward for Completion
Unlocked By
Goblins in the Woods, The Viscous Tombs
Tomb of Savings

[edit] Part 1 - Internal Injuries

Acquire Within Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars Victory Squares
5 6 3
Enemies Quantity
Assassin 1
Assassins 3
Pre-Battle Description
Omin Dran, CEO of Acquisitions Incorporated - a Level 2 Famous/Level 4 Infamous Adventuring company - raps his knuckles on the interview table. There are no resumes on it, and he wishes there were. This place needs to start paying for itself, and soon, or he may be forced to put in actual work. Maybe things are looking up, though; the door creaks open, and several half-orcs enter. And, look! They even have their own knives.
Post-Battle Description
Omin likes the initiative displayed by these young men - but not their wicked, sacrificial blades. He could do without those. Perhaps retreating to the break room is the better part of valor.

[edit] Part 2 - Elementally, My Dear Binwin

Acquire Within Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars Victory Squares
8 6 0
Enemies Quantity
Poison Elementals 4
Death Elementals 2
Pre-Battle Description
The break room looks different. It's possible that Jim has rearranged it into a homicidal labyrinth. And what is that scent - cinnamon? No, it's the reek of death and poison. If he wanted to do all this, he should have filed Employee Authorization Form 4d-Chartreuse, "For The Decoration Of Yon Multipurpose Room."
Post-Battle Description
Our heroes have escaped unscathed. Well, mostly unscathed. There was a bit of light scathing. Except for Jim's personnel file, Omin thinks. He gets excited at the prospect of cataloguing all Jim's failures on it. Here's how excited he is getting: he is thinking about using a brand new quill.

[edit] Part 3 - The Gift That Keeps on Killing

Acquire Within Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars Victory Squares
5 2 0
Enemies Quantity
Planar Portals 3
Poison Elementals 1
Death Elemental 1
Pre-Battle Description
Binwin is a little too excited by these events. He is enjoying it, too much. Obviously, when one employs a professional murderer, you want them to go about things with a spring in their step. But this is a weird level of excitement, especially with a bunch of demon holes shooting monsters out all over the place.
Post-Battle Description
The portals pop out of existence, one by one. Before the last one closes, a terrifying voice is heard to say, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MORTAL! KEEP THY MIND ALWAYS UPON YOUR INEVITABLE DEATH."

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