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  • In-Game Text: N/A

[edit] Game Effect

  • Perform a test of chance in the form of a die roll before this card may take effect.

Chance appears as an icon that looks like a die in the left-hand icon box of reaction cards. The number of pips (spots) displayed on the icon shows what number, or greater, must be rolled on a six-sided die before that card's effects will activate. If the Chance roll fails, the card is marked as revealed and returned to the player's hand. If the Chance roll succeeds, all effects in the associated instructions take effect. In the case that cards have two sets of instructions, Chance must be specified for both; any set of instructions without a Chance icon always takes effect.

Chance #   ⁄   Probability of success
1+   6/6, or 100%
2+   5/6, or 83.33%
3+   4/6, or 66.67%
4+   3/6, or 50%
5+   2/6, or 33.33%
6+   1/6, or 16.67%

Some cards have instructions that modify the die roll, moving the number originally rolled up or down in order to change a card's rate of success. The die roll can never drop below 1 or exceed 6.

The die roll is in fact a random number generation performed on the game server using a well-documented Java function. No matter how badly it seems to favor one side or the other, it has been tested for fairness.

As of version Beta 1.21, some cards exist that have a negative function, that is, when they "succeed" they end up harming the player who made the roll. Blue Manchu has said they will consider rewriting those specific instructions so that a higher number is always positive for the player who owns the card.

[edit] General Strategy

  • Keep in mind the likelihood of success when comparing similar cards for your deck(s). A little bit of calculation could prove valuable in the long run. Many of your favorite defensive cards rely on some measure of chance.
  • Similarly, if you know your opponent has Chance in her or his defenses, studying the odds will give you a good idea just how much you risk by playing your own attacks.
  • After all that math, don't be afraid to just go for it from time to time. Best try to pick moments when you lose little and have much to gain, such as when you would discard a card anyway. Even a tiny chance is more likely to succeed than a card that is never played.
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