Crystals of Chronak

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Crystals of Chronak Intro.jpg
Number of Scenarios 3
Guaranteed Reward for Completion
Ztoli Idol
  • No party deaths
  • All your levels are reduced to 1
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
Beneath Tcotzac
The Troll Tyrant

[edit] Part 1 - Ziggurat Entrance

Crystals Chronak Part 1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars Victory Squares
5 7 1
Enemies Quantity
Mummy 1
Mummy 1
Blood Priest 1
Pre-Battle Description
At the heart of the Lost City beneath the Valley of Tezkal, an ancient ziggurat rises. At its peak is a glowing mass of crystals, sending out pulsing waves of malign energy into the firmament above. Shambling mummified guards loom from the slowly-closing doorway. The lower levels of the ziggurat are smooth and unscalable; you must seize the doorway before it is too late!
Post-Battle Description
The stone temple door grinds its way closed behind you. You are able to ransack the Blood Priest's antechamber before beginning your climb up the ziggurat's internal staircase.

[edit] Part 2 - Ziggurat Interior

Crystals Chronak Part 2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars Victory Squares
6 9 1
Enemies Quantity
Blood Disciples 2
Blood Disciples 2
Chupacabra 1
Pre-Battle Description
After a long climb, you have almost reached the top of the ziggurat. Paint-caked zealots from a bygone era rush from the shadows to assail you... and at their backs, something even more sinister. In the center of the room is a ladder leading up to a wooden hatch. This will need to be broken through before more fanatical reinforcements arrive!
Post-Battle Description
With a crash, you force open the hatch and ascend to a belfry above. It is littered with treasures and offerings to the Chupacabra, some of which were clearly human in origin. You take what looks useful and climb the stairs to the ziggurat apex.

[edit] Part 3 - Ziggurat Apex

Crystals Chronak Part 3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars Victory Squares
7 6 1
Enemies Quantity
Tsastii 1
Magma Idols 1
Blood Disciples 3
Pre-Battle Description
You step out into the humid air once again, at the top of the mighty ziggurat. The crystal's light is almost overpowering. As if sensing your approach, an otherwordly monster appears with a thunderous crack and bright flash! Materializing from the crystal is a sphere seemingly composed of nothing but mouths with thick elastic tongues that lash and grope in all directions! You must destroy it or the crystals before more of these monsters are summoned!
Post-Battle Description
You win control of the ziggurat and seize the crystals atop it! As soon as you do so, the energy waves dissipate. The stones age beneath your feet, and you can already see the time-warping effect of its rays fading from the city. By the time you reach the surface, the Valley has returned to its natural state. When you return to Aloyzo, he tells you that powerful ancient spirits are trapped in the fragments. With these, the blood priests were magically bringing about a return of prehistoric times! The old wizard thanks you profusely and immediately sets about finding a way to get the spirits out. You leave him with your pockets full but lingering doubts...

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