Goblins in the Woods

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Goblins in the Woods.jpg
Number of Scenarios 4
  • No party deaths
  • All your levels are reduced to 3
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
Against the Cockroaches
The Pools of Slime, Tree Forts of the Goblin King
Acquire Within

[edit] Part 1 - Goblin Outpost

Goblins in the Woods Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
11 6
Enemies Quantity
Goblin Hulks 2
Goblin Grunts 3
Goblin Shamans 2
Pre-Battle Description
The town of Maybourne has suffered an increasing number of goblin raids in recent times. At the behest of the town’s elders, you arrive to try to bring peace to the local people. Rangers are dispatched to lead you to a goblin outpost discovered deep within the forest. You send them back to town as you advance on the goblin position. The outpost is heavily defended by Goblin Grunts, Hulks and Shamans.
Post-Battle Description
With the sentries silenced, you follow a rutted track that leads deeper into the forest. Travling down this path takes some time as the thickets grow more thorny and the air more heavy with menace. Eventually, they lead you to a great tangle of webs, which it looks as if the goblins use both as ladder and mooring for wooden walk-ways strung high in the leafy boughs.

[edit] Part 2 - Spiderwebs

Goblins in the Woods Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
5 6
Enemies Quantity
Goblin Shredders 2
Forest Spider 3
Pre-Battle Description
The Goblins have reared and domesticated giant Forest Spiders to do their bidding. You unwittingly stumble into one of the many Spiders’ nests that are scattered throughout the forest. They chitter an arachnid alarm to their masters and rush to the attack!
Post-Battle Description
The thickness of the overhead canopy ensures that this part of the forest is almost always as dark as night. Your torches seem unable to properly pierce the gloom, and there is the faint tang of ancient and dark enchantments in the air.

[edit] Part 3 - Quiet Glade

Goblins in the Woods Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
6 6
Enemies Quantity
Goblin Berserker 1
Goblin Grunts 2
Goblin Berserker 1
Pre-Battle Description
As the gloom deepens, you are discovered and engaged by a roving goblin patrol. As they rush forth, you can see dreaded red Goblin Berserkers in their number. These fierce opponents forego any defensive capabilities, using only savage attacks!
Post-Battle Description
You hide the Goblin dead in the bushes and go through their packs. A closer look at the bodies of the Goblin Berserkers reveals that they were chewing Elfwort bark, a highly addictive substance that induces hallucinogenic rage in those that consume it.

[edit] Part 4 - Grunt Patrol

Goblins in the Woods Part4 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
11 6
Enemies Quantity
Goblin Grunts 3
Goblin Grunts 3
Goblin Grunts 3
Goblin Hulk 1
Pre-Battle Description
The forest opens up to the banks of a river forded by two small bridges. Beyond it lies what looks like a ramshackle headquarters. Between it and you is a huge company of goblins. Seizing the initiative, you rush to the attack!
Post-Battle Description
You interrogate the Goblin survivors and discover that the Goblin leader Guztuk is hiding in a tree fort some distance to the south. You decide to leave the forest and return to the Keep on the Hinterlands to consider your final assault.

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