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  • In-Game Text: "Return this card to hand or re-attach after it triggers."

[edit] Game Effect

  • This card is not discarded when used according to the instructions that include Keep.

Keep causes a card to return to a character's hand rather than discarding after using it. If a card has more than one set of instructions, Keep must be specified separately for each use. A card is Kept only when used according to the relevant instructions; Keep does not prevent the card from being discarded during a forced discard or at the end of a round.

Keep also appears on some traits that attach to a character when the effect of the card is described in a reaction box. In this case, Keep refers only to the effect of the attachment and the card does not return to the player's hand when the attachment expires.

[edit] General Strategy

  • Keep makes cards more valuable because you can use them again and again. It's almost like having extra cards! You can devote more space in your deck to other abilities when you use cards with Keep.
  • You can save at most two cards at the end of any round, so it may not make sense to equip a large number of cards with Keep. But you still have to draw them first, and bringing more increases the likelihood that you will quickly find something to Keep.
  • If your opponent has abilities that force you to discard, you will likely lose your Keep cards. Plan around this by equipping more cards with the same or similar effects as replacements, or try to find a strategy that relies less on Kept abilities.

[edit] Against opponents who use Keep:

  • Equip your own deck(s) with cards that force a discard. You may also try to entice your opponent into discarding Keep cards at the end of a round by leaving more than two cards in an enemy hand.
  • After its first use, a Keep card is a revealed card. Any cards that target revealed cards are likely to be effective.
  • If a card has two sets of instructions, Keep may not apply to both of them. Try to get the enemy to use the effect that is not kept to discard it.
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