Order of the Core

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Order of the Core.jpg
Number of Scenarios 3
Pizza Cost to Unlock 40
Guaranteed Reward for Completion
Cleansing Diamond
  • No party deaths
  • Use only Dwarves
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
Beneath the Frozen Earth, Diamonds of the Kobolds, The Throne of Strench, The White Star

[edit] Part 1 - Fortress Gates

Order of the Core Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Novice Geomancers 4
Pre-Battle Description
The Order of the Core resides in a fortified monastery far to the north. The order is reviled and the locals live in fear of their frequent slave raids. You arrive at the monastery’s front gate intent on both ending this reign of terror and claiming their Cleansing Diamond!
Post-Battle Description
Now that the Geomancers slain, the silence of this stony environment is discomfortingly eerie. Searching the masonry carefully, you discover a small cache of equipment before moving on. You quickly deal with the simple door locks and make entry to this solemn stone fortress.

[edit] Part 2 - Quarry

Order of the Core Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
8 6
Enemies Quantity
Novice Geomancers 2
Trog Scuttlers 3
Trog Scuttlers 3
Pre-Battle Description
The interior of the fortress is an extraordinary sight. It has been excavated and is now a giant quarry. More Geomancers guard this area, this time supported by Trog Scuttlers. These Trogs must have been captured and conscripted to work as laborers. Though they despise the Geomancers, they obey them through fear of what might happen if they anger their mystic masters.
Post-Battle Description
With the Geomancer guards defeated, you proceed into the fortress in search of the Cleansing Diamond. A library stands at the northern end of the quarry, and you slip inside before any more guards show up.

[edit] Part 3 - Library

Order of the Core Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Apprentice Geomancers 2
Novice Geomancers 2
Pre-Battle Description
The Geomancers’ store of magical knowledge is centuries old and recorded in this ancient library. The Geomancers inside this room must surely know the location of the Diamond, not to mention details of their slave mining operation. Incenses at your arrival, they rush to the attack!
Post-Battle Description
Having put the Geomancers to the sword, you are free to pore through their scrolls, books and earthen tablets. After solving an increasingly infuriating series of riddles in the book titles, you are led to a false bookshelf, containing the Cleansing Diamond! Hidden along with it are documents implying that the slave-driven mining operation is master minded by a brother Arun, who resides in one of the fishing villages on the coast. A job well done, adventurer!

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