Passageways to Death

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Passages to Death module cover.jpg
Number of Scenarios 3
Guaranteed Reward for Completion
Nova Axe
  • No party deaths
  • All your levels are reduced to 11
  • Use only Dwarf Wizards
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
The Metallic Monstrosity
The Perilous Garden

[edit] Part 1 - Coolant Tubes

Passageways to Death Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars Victory Squares
6 6 3
Enemies Quantity
Rad Spiders 2
Rad Spiders 2
Mutant Gunners 2
Pre-Battle Description
The floor here is cracked and bent by the strange energies that have been released on this vessel. Your weight causes the already weakened metal plates to give way, depositing you in a maze of twisty little passages criss-crossed by large pipes. The skittering sound of tiny feet and the groans of the mutants are your only welcome to this area.
Post-Battle Description
Deep in the network of pipes you find a strange device. Twisting the alien knobs and dials at random, you find a combination that opens a metal gateway above you through which you can resume your journey to the coolant system as Darius has directed you.

[edit] Part 2 - Fluidics Control

Passageways to Death Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars Victory Squares
5 6 1
Enemies Quantity
Laser Turret 1
Laser Turret 1
Security Cameras 3
Pre-Battle Description
You arrive at the area that Darius calls "Fluidics Control." Two mechanical turrets and three more of the prying cameras are here and must be dealt with before the control system can be operated.
Post-Battle Description
You defeat the automated security system and, following Darius' instructions, you flush the cooling system. Apparently this is necessary before you can power up the ship's engines, which is your next task, as directed by your disembodied master.

[edit] Part 3 - Reactor Core

Passageways to Death Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
10 6
Enemies Quantity
Hacked Turret 1
Baby Rad Spiders 5
Baby Rad Spiders 5
Pre-Battle Description
At last, you have reached the reactor core. Here the central control panel is guarded by a single turret. But – what is that skittering and chattering in the vents above? Not more of those hideous spiders!
Post-Battle Description
The reactor core thrums into life. The lights brighten and the whole ship seems to throb with unearthly power. Scavenging more of the strange devices that have been left in this area, you head deeper into the vessel in search of the Host and greater treasures!

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