Property:Has CardExpansion

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Pages using the property "Has CardExpansion"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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Cards/Able Bash +Basic
Cards/Able Bludgeon +Basic
Cards/Able Stab +Basic
Cards/Absorbing Block +Basic
Cards/Accelerate Time +Expedition to the Sky Citadel
Cards/Accelerated Thought +Basic
Cards/Acid Blast +Basic
Cards/Acid Jet +Basic
Cards/Acid Leak +Castle Mitternacht
Cards/Acid Pool +Basic
Cards/Acid Spray +Basic
Cards/Acorn Barrage +Basic
Cards/Acorn Bombardment +Basic
Cards/Acorn Sling +Basic
Cards/Acrobatic Flip +Basic
Cards/Adaptable +Expedition to the Sky Citadel
Cards/Adapted to Acid +Expedition to the Sky Citadel
Cards/Adapted to Arcane +Expedition to the Sky Citadel
Cards/Adapted to Cold +Expedition to the Sky Citadel
Cards/Adapted to Crushing +Expedition to the Sky Citadel
Cards/Adapted to Electrical +Expedition to the Sky Citadel
Cards/Adapted to Fire +Expedition to the Sky Citadel
Cards/Adapted to Holy +Expedition to the Sky Citadel
Cards/Adapted to Laser +Expedition to the Sky Citadel
Cards/Adapted to Piercing +Expedition to the Sky Citadel
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