Svitlana's Inquisition

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Svitlanas Inquisition module cover.jpg
Number of Scenarios 4
  • No party deaths
  • All your levels are reduced to 13
  • Use only Elf Warriors
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By

[edit] Part 1 - The Panic

Svitlanas Inquisition Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
11 6
Enemies Quantity
Afflicted Townsfolk 4
Afflicted Townsfolk 4
Forest Spider 3
Pre-Battle Description
Leading the vanguard of Svitlana's Inquisition, you ride for Samova, the nearest township know to have suffered from the blight. Terrified townsfolk run out of their homes to greet you, and it's not long before they start transforming into horrible monsters! To make matters worse, the commotion attracts the unwanted attention of the local Spiders...
Post-Battle Description
In the end, the only thing you could do for the townsfolk was give them the mercy of death. The town guard shows up late, clearly arriving from another battle, and takes stock of the situation. The captain, Teadora, introduces herself and thanks you.

[edit] Part 2 - Betrayal

Svitlanas Inquisition Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
2 6
Enemies Quantity
Captain Teadora 1
Afflicted Guards 3
Afflicted Guards 3
Pre-Battle Description
Captain Teadora informs you that a child went missing at the scene of her last battle, and asks you to help her investigate. You follow a drying trail of blood to a bend, when suddenly her retinue begin hissing like Vampires! Teadora reveals to you that she and her men had been badly wounded in the previous fight, then resolutely asks you to kill her before she becomes a monster herself.
Post-Battle Description
You wash your hands of Teadora's blood in a nearby stream. One of her dying guards tells you that the Temple of Joleph has become a staging area for the monsters, and that the Countess Jovana has been spotted nearby.

[edit] Part 3 - Temple Steps

Svitlanas Inquisition Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Shade 1
Shade 1
Muscular Zombies 2
Zombie 2
Pre-Battle Description
Darkness emanates from the walls of a building that should be radiant with holy energy. The coffins of the long-dead Jolephian monks stir, then burst open as hordes of Zombies pour forth. In places, the deep darkness forms itself into sentient Shades to attack you!
Post-Battle Description
Upon defeating the Shades, the darkness ebbs slightly, allowing you to find your way deeper into the temple.

[edit] Part 4 - Joleph's Shrine

Svitlanas Inquisition Part4 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
10 6
Enemies Quantity
Shade 1
Werewolf 1
Undead Priests 2
Muscular Zombies 2
Pre-Battle Description
This is one of the most sacred places in Cardhuntria, where the remains of St. Joleph lie, flanked by his artifacts. Zombies wearing priestly garb attend to bizarre ritual over his grave, while Shades and Werewolves prepare to stop any intruders!
Post-Battle Description

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