Temple of Scales

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Temple of Scales.jpg
Number of Scenarios 4
Pizza Cost to Unlock 40
Guaranteed Reward for Completion
Lizard Hide Boots
  • No party deaths
  • All your levels are reduced to 4
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
The Pools of Slime

[edit] Part 1 - Jungle Lizards

Temple of Scales Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
7 6
Enemies Quantity
Lizardman Warriors 4
Lizardman Darters 3
Pre-Battle Description
The Lizardmen harbor a dark secret in their hidden jungle template. Your quest to uncover the truth has led you to the dense Ssthek Rainforest, but even before the temple itself has come into view, perimeter guards leap from the trees, ready to protect the secret with their lives!
Post-Battle Description
The Lizardmen were no match for your superior fighting skills and they were powerless to resist. Just as they are powerless to prevent you from rifling through their earthly goods.

[edit] Part 2 - Temple Ssthek

Temple of Scales Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
7 6
Enemies Quantity
Lizardman Darters 3
Lizardmen Netters 2
Lizardman Cleric 1
Pre-Battle Description
You emerge from beneath the thick green jungle canopy, into an ancient clearing near the doors to the Temple. Your arrival has been expected, and a lizard priest waits to greet you with a band of scaly warriors.
Post-Battle Description
The Lizard priest gurgles as you run your sword through him, and you are sprayed by a geyser of stinking black blood. You search the area for treasure. The Lizardmen are primitive folk and they do not have much in the way of coin, but have several useful items.

[edit] Part 3 - Dome of Heads

Temple of Scales Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Lizardmen Darters 2
Hydra 1
Pre-Battle Description
You sneak through ancient chambers and along moss-slick corridors, knowing that somewhere in the Temple Ssthek lies the Chamber of the Golden Scale. But you instead emerge into the fabled Dome of Heads, where the Lizardmen’s fierce creation – Hydras – are bred and raised. One such beast is here, along with its Lizardman handlers. Its four heads turn to regard your intrusion.
Post-Battle Description
With the monstrous Hydra now slain, you have breached the Lizardmen’s doughtiest defenses! Press forward brave adventurers. Your prize is at hand!

[edit] Part 4 - Chamber of Golden Scale

Temple of Scales Part4 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
7 6
Enemies Quantity
Lizardman Darters 3
Green Jelly 1
Lizardman Cleric 1
Pre-Battle Description
It is not far beyond the Dome of Heads that you discover the Chamber of the Golden Scale. Even now a foul ritual is in progress, a ritual that, if completed, will spread jungle plague throughout the cities and towns of Cardhuntria. The lizard priest Kazsssfif, guarded by stout Lizardman warriors, reads from a black tome.
Post-Battle Description
You have thwarted the Lizardmen plot and averted the dreaded Jungle Plague. Cardhuntria will sleep safely tonight, blissfully unaware.

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