Throne of the Mechanical Men

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Throne of the Mechanical Men module cover.jpg
Number of Scenarios 3
Guaranteed Reward for Completion
Command Stone
  • No party deaths
  • All your levels are reduced to 13
  • Use only Elf Priests
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
In the Belly of the Beast
Sanctum of the Cyber Tyrant

[edit] Part 1 - The Captain

Throne of the Mechanical Men Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
The Captain 1
Laser Turret 1
Laser Turret 1
Pre-Battle Description
Captain Potemkin is here – or at least what he has become: a hideous naked brain floating above the ground. Is this the fate that awaits you should you fail now?
Post-Battle Description
As you deliver the killing blow to the hideous mutant brain, it disappears from sight, sliding into an alternate plane of existence. You hear its faint laughter beckoning from beyond. The chase is on!

[edit] Part 2 - The Atrium

Throne of the Mechanical Men Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
5 6
Enemies Quantity
The Captain 1
Invisible Spiders 2
Cunning Mutant 1
Pre-Battle Description
The "Captain" is attempting to reach its master: the crazed computer Darius. Luckily, you have trapped it in a corridor. More hideous mutants spring to its defense as you attempt to end this abomination for once and for all.
Post-Battle Description
The brain falls to the floor, writhing and spilling cerebral fluid. Darius' lieutenant is felled and Darius himself must be nearby.

[edit] Part 3 - Throne Room

Throne of the Mechanical Men Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars Victory Squares
4 6 4
Enemies Quantity
Security Robot 1
Security Robot 1
Pre-Battle Description
You have reached the central computing core. Here sits the master of your torments and the corrupter of this ship, guarded only by the last of his mechanical servants.
Post-Battle Description
You cleave the computing core in twain in a flash of light and a shower of sparks. Is this the end of Darius? No, it seems that his essence has escaped into another reality: the strange realm of cyberspace.

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