Valley of Tezkal

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Valley of Tezkal Intro.jpg
Number of Scenarios 3
Guaranteed Reward for Completion
Trog Melter
  • No party deaths
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
Diamonds of the Kobolds, Rescue From Shieldhaven Prison, Slub Gut's Sanctum, The White Star
Beneath Tcotzac

[edit] Part 1 - Pygmy Peril

Valley of Tezkal Part 1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Creepers 2
Plant Pygmies 2
Pre-Battle Description
As you begin your trek into the Valley of Tezkal, you quickly realize that this is no ordinary jungle. The humidity, the sounds, even the light seems wrong somehow. As you push forward the sun seems to be following a different path to its expected one. A startling war cry breaks the sweaty stillness. The jungle's inhabitants are clearly no friendly; you must defend yourselves!
Post-Battle Description
Your attackers were not creatures or people at all. Their bodies ooze sap, like some kind of freakish animate plant! These primitive things have hoarded treasure taken from travelers, though it appears they have no real understanding of the items' utility themselves.

[edit] Part 2 - Fangs in the Water

Valley of Tezkal Part 2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars Victory Squares
6 8 1
Enemies Quantity
Coatldiles 2
Plant Pygmies 2
Pre-Battle Description
Eventually, the mosquito-infested thicket gives way to a vast, fetid swamp. It is even more humid and oppressive than the jungle before it. The sun glowers above the horizon, although it should have set hours ago. As you begin to pick your way through the muddy causeways, you see some ruins up ahead. The swamp water seems to be rising... make your way to the ruin before you slip beneath the murk!
Post-Battle Description
Having fought your way to the heart of the swamp, you discover some crude stone steps that spiral down into darkness. Taking a moment to investigate the crocodile-beasts, you discover many undigested items of value inside their leathery bellies. With the relentless blood-red sun showing no sign of setting, you decide to descend into the comparatively cooler air that beckons from below.

[edit] Part 3 - Beneath the Swamp

Valley of Tezkal Part 3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars Victory Squares
6 8 1
Enemies Quantity
Creepers 2
Sharkbear 1
Pre-Battle Description
The staircase gives way to a large underground cavern. Squatting at the end is what looks like an ancient ruined temple. You warily approach until you spy a beast that sets your jaw agape. Although believed to be long extinct, a lumbering Sharkbear stands before you... a legend made flesh! Before you have a chance to react, you hear the unmistakable sound of grinding stone. The exits to the cavern are slowly closing! There is only one way out - through the temple!
Post-Battle Description
Employing a handy iron spike from your backpack, you manage to wedge the door open. The temple appears to be built by no culture you have ever heard of and the stones it is built from appear new. A glowing crystal is set in an altar on the roof. When you remove it from its setting, the air immediately cools and the stones begin to crumble, aging at an incredible rate! Beyond the temple, a tunnel leads deeper into the earth. Echoing from the walls are... jungle sounds? This new subterranean land must be vast indeed!

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