Black Oaken Heart

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Black Oaken Heart.jpg
Number of Scenarios 4
  • No party deaths
  • All your levels are reduced to 9
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
Into the Black Forest
Lair of the Yellow Dragon

[edit] Part 1 - Stand of Oaks

Black Oaken Heart Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Oak Bombardiers 2
Oak Slinger 2
Pre-Battle Description
Once more you venture deep into these ancient and unnerving forests. You sense that you are getting closer to your quarry, as more and more oak trees tower above you. The sunlight is all but lost above the thick canopy of trees. In this gloomy semidarkness, a knot of animate oak trees move to protectect their rotten King.
Post-Battle Description
The mighty oaks lie shattered, like so much kindling. After shaking loose the treasure from their branches, you press ahead toward the seat of Oakenshade’s power.

[edit] Part 2 - Forest Goblins

Black Oaken Heart Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
6 6
Enemies Quantity
Goblin Berserkers 3
War Monkeys 3
Pre-Battle Description
Up ahead you hear the sound of water, and you know you are nearly at the center of the forest. The Shrab River runs shallow but quickly only a few miles from where Oakenshade makes his home, so you press on. But though you find the bridge without difficulty, it is unexpectedly guarded by a trio of forest Goblins and their War Monkey servants!
Post-Battle Description
One day they will call you Monkey Bane, in honor of your victories against the War Monkeys. That will have to wait for now at least.

[edit] Part 3 - Dense Wood

Black Oaken Heart Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
5 6
Enemies Quantity
Gnarled Maple Trees 2
Gnarled Maple Trees 2
Oak Bombardier 1
Pre-Battle Description
Now you have reached the very densest section of the woods, where the trees press close and the silence is stifling. The sun is starting to set somewhere out in the open lands, when you hear the loud sounds of creaking branches. The last guardians of King Oakenshade have come to deter you from your visit.
Post-Battle Description
One day you will reflect on this, one of your finest and hardest victories. The struggle was long and hard and there were many times when you doubted the outcome. But at last you prevailed.

[edit] Part 4 - Heart of the Forest

Black Oaken Heart Part4 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
6 6
Enemies Quantity
Oak King 1
Pre-Battle Description
And now you come to it: the Heart of the Forest, where dwells the centuries-old monarch of the woods, the Oak Tree King of the Black Forest. Tall and imposing he rises up in his clearing, massive branches stretching high above. “You will feed well my roots,” he intones, his voice a subsonic roar. “Once your corpses have decomposed a bit.”
Post-Battle Description
Oakenshade is slain. A great cry deafens you, as if the souls of a million shrubs were suddenly silenced. You hack the heartwood out of the tree king and take it back to Shieldhaven and the Baron’s dying wife. Surely you will be rewarded with the information you seek?

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