Lair of the Yellow Dragon

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Yellow Dragon.jpg
Number of Scenarios 4
  • No party deaths
  • All your levels are reduced to 9
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
Black Oaken Heart
CardStock II Secret Preview

[edit] Part 1 - Ogre Sentries

Lair of the Yellow Dragon Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
6 6
Enemies Quantity
Ogre Bruiser 1
Ogre Bruiser 1
Ogre Bruiser 1
Pre-Battle Description
Information from the Baron's library leads you to the lair of Xanthicius the Yellow Dragon. You must travel for many days through the foothills of the great mountain range before reaching your destination. Mount Koptic is a dormant volcano, and now home to Cardhuntria’s most feared dragon. The mountain ascent is slow and treacherous, but eventually you arrive at a carved entryway. Muster your courage and begin your assault on the Yellow Dragon’s lair!
Post-Battle Description
You search the Ogres. This is an unpleasant and strenuous task given their bulk and general standard of hygiene. You find some useful treasure however, and quickly stow it before moving further into the lair.

[edit] Part 2 - Cave of the Wisps

Lair of the Yellow Dragon Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
5 6
Enemies Quantity
Ethereal Wisps 3
Blinking Wisps 2
Pre-Battle Description
This is a long and irregular room. Part of the ceiling has collapsed, leaving piles of rubble scattered between the supporting columns. This dank place is illuminated by light emanating from the angry Wisps, conjured by Xanthicius to act as watchdogs.
Post-Battle Description
The room shows signs of once being inhabited. Beneath the filth lies a tiled floor which is now broken in many places. Examination of the walls reveals mosaics detailing a long forgotten heroic saga. Also an alcove with some old relics and heirlooms hidden in it.

[edit] Part 3 - Honor Guard

Lair of the Yellow Dragon Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
8 6
Enemies Quantity
Ogre Bruisers 2
Ogre Magicker 1
Blinking Wisps 2
Pre-Battle Description
This room was once a ceremonial garden in days long past. It is guarded by a small band of Ogres whose ugliness is rivaled only by their vile smell. Fortunately these monsters have no need for stealth as their preferred form of social interaction involves heavy blunt objects. As you will soon find out.
Post-Battle Description
Dragons have little need for secrecy or subtlety, and you have no difficulty finding Xanthicius’ lair, which lies to the west. You hear his sibilant chanting as he is already engaged in his demon-summoning ceremony. You pause and take a moment to ready yourselves. Slaying a dragon is no trivial matter…

[edit] Part 4 - Yellow Dragon Lair

Lair of the Yellow Dragon Part4 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
6 6
Enemies Quantity
Xanthicius 1
Pre-Battle Description
Xanthicius is poised on a giant pile of gold and treasure, painstakingly collected over a thousand years for this ritual. He has spent so many centuries in contact with the substance that it has turned his hide a deep golden yellow color. As he chants in the most ancient of tongues, the gold begins to dissolve into glowing particles, rising to form an ominous circle in the air. You must destroy him before the demon circle is complete!
Post-Battle Description
Xanthicius lies slain at last. Rivulets of corrosive golden ichor flow from his many wounds, sizzling and merging with the gold pile on the floor. You must remove his head and bring it back to King Osirius. This will be an adventure in itself, given its weight and noxiousness…

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