Dungeon of the Swamp King

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Swamp King.jpg
Number of Scenarios 4
Pizza Cost to Unlock 40
Guaranteed Reward for Completion
Dragonslayer Sword
  • No party deaths
  • All your levels are reduced to 9
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
Attack of the War Monkeys, Into the Black Forest, Riddle of the Gnome Lords, Secret of the Gnome Lords, Temple of Terror

[edit] Part 1 - Slimy Foyer

Dungeon of the Swamp King Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
5 6
Enemies Quantity
Green Jellies 3
Ochre Slimes 2
Pre-Battle Description
The stones of King Oggencot’s keep have kept out most of the swamp water, but it seems that some oozy creatures have moved in and made themselves comfortable. Smelling fresh food as you enter the foyer, a number of foul slime-creatures move to attack!
Post-Battle Description
This keep is a foul and despicable place, fit only for the amoebic sludge you wipe off your weapons.

[edit] Part 2 - Blazing Bedroom

Dungeon of the Swamp King Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
5 6
Enemies Quantity
Ochre Slimes 3
Burning Skeletons 2
Pre-Battle Description
You enter the moldering bedroom of the old keep, and discover that some of the King’s personal guard are not resting in peace. Flames leap up as burning skeletons advance, and from the shadows of their flickering fires, more squelching noises can be heard…
Post-Battle Description
You ransack the bedroom and find a couple of valuable items. Surely there are more ahead?

[edit] Part 3 - Oozy Kitchen

Dungeon of the Swamp King Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
6 6
Enemies Quantity
Green Jellies 2
Ochre Slime 2
Tan Mold 1
Pre-Battle Description
All of the food has long since rotten away in the Swamp King’s old kitchen… or perhaps it has merely transformed into the many slime-creatures that accost you the moment you open the door!
Post-Battle Description
The air is thick and heavy with spores. It is best that you leave this place as soon as possible.

[edit] Part 4 - King’s Dungeon

Dungeon of the Swamp King Part4 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
8 6
Enemies Quantity
Ochre Slimes 4
Tan Mold 1
King OggenCot 1
Pre-Battle Description
In the deepest depths of Oggencot Keep lies the dungeon where the King was rumored to store his most precious possessions. You swing open the ancient stone door, and discover that the rumors were right – treasure lies scattered about the filthy chamber. But, taking it will not be easy, as in addition to the moldy houseguests, the zombified corpse of King Oggencot himself groans and shuffles toward you, eager to guard his Keep one last time.
Post-Battle Description
Finally you have what you came for, King Oggencot’s epic sword, Dragonslayer!

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