High Mountain Pass

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Ogre Pass.jpg
Number of Scenarios 4
Pizza Cost to Unlock 40
Guaranteed Reward for Completion
Magnetic Shield
  • No party deaths
  • All your levels are reduced to 5
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
The Tomb of Tvericus

[edit] Part 1 - Mountain Road

High Mountain Pass Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
12 6
Enemies Quantity
Mottled Ogres 2
Goblin Grunts 5
Goblin Grunts 5
Pre-Battle Description
A single pass offers passage through the Swampy Mountains to the lands to the north. Traders bring valuable supplies of salt to the kingdom in exchange for iron and coal. A band of Ogres and Goblins has taken residence nearby and is waylaying caravans, damaging trade and scaring off merchants. Fortunately for you, these masters are as stupid as they are violent, and tracking them is a simple task.
Post-Battle Description
After the monsters are dispatched, you search the surroundings. The Ogres and Goblins have a camp nearby and this contains some valuables, most of which were looted from earlier caravans. It is unclear whether you should return these to their rightful owners or not. Much will depend on your alignment.

[edit] Part 2 - Boulder Ambush

High Mountain Pass Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
13 6
Enemies Quantity
Ogre Bruiser 1
Goblin Grunts 4
Goblin Grunts 4
Goblin Shredders 3
Pre-Battle Description
Continuing through the pass leads you into an ambush. You pass an intelligence and observation check and this gives you the time to take up a defensive position against the ambushers. The pass is narrow and has many rocky outcrops. You can use this terrain to neutralize you ropponents’ superior numbers.
Post-Battle Description
The Swampy Mountains are so-called and named after the original pioneer who circumvented them. They are completely bereft of any swampland, which often surprises travelers.

[edit] Part 3 - Ogre Lookouts

High Mountain Pass Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
10 6
Enemies Quantity
Ogre Bruiser 1
Ogre Magicker 1
Goblin Grunts 3
Goblin Shredders 3
Pre-Battle Description
An Ogre Magicker guards the approach to the lair. These extraordinary creatures are a curious blend of bestial fury and arcane sophistication. Though familiar with the works of the Seer Gnosis, they would rather eat you than debate arcana, a fact they point out to you by the way of fierce threats and belly-slapping.
Post-Battle Description
The Ogres have a lot of booty stashed about their persons, as a normal sized being might carry pocket change. The Ogre hideout lies ahead. You must being the final assault on these miscreants.

[edit] Part 4 - Ogre Lair

High Mountain Pass Part4 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
10 6
Enemies Quantity
Mottled Ogres 2
Ogre Magicker 1
Goblin Grunts 4
Goblin Shredders 2
Pre-Battle Description
The Ogre lair makes Shieldhaven’s sewers look and smell like the Arboretum of Tysis. The floor is littered with bones and decaying animal matter. Raw sewage lies in foul-smelling pools. The Ogre leader Cloudspell is at the back of the cave, protected by his lieutenants Meatfist and Bonecrunch. You are treated less as an irritant and more as an unexpected dining opportunity.
Post-Battle Description
With the Ogres defeated, the trade route can now be opened again and salt will return to Cardhuntria. Delicious!

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