The Tomb of Tvericus

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Tomb of Tvericus.jpg
Number of Scenarios 4
  • No party deaths
  • All your levels are reduced to 4
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
The Pools of Slime
High Mountain Pass, Shrine of the Astral Guardians, The Songsword Tavern
Citrine Demon Portal, Lord Batford's Manor
The Jewel of Alet Zhav, Tree Forts of the Goblin King

[edit] Part 1 - Graveyard

The Tomb of Tvericus Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
10 6
Enemies Quantity
Zombies 5
More Zombies 5
Pre-Battle Description
Legend has it that the entrance to the Crypts of Alet Zhav is through a coffin-bottom, in the Black Mausoleum of Nazg Hodeth. A pall of unnatural gloom lies upon the boneyard, and as you approach the mausoleum, the ground erupts! Zombies, fresh from the earth and emitting tortured groans, shamble forward to attack!
Post-Battle Description
All is quiet in the boneyard after your victory. You leave the Zombies to rot in peace, you hope for good this time...

[edit] Part 2 - Mausoleum

The Tomb of Tvericus Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
6 6
Enemies Quantity
Armored Skeleton 1
Armored Skeleton 1
Armored Skeleton 1
Pre-Battle Description
Having dispatched the graveyard Zombies, you slowly open the door to the Black Mausoleum. If the rumors are true, the stairway down to the crypts lies in the bottom of a large coffin. But no sooner have you stepped inside than a group of Armored Skeletons unsheathe their swords and rattle their bones menacingly...
Post-Battle Description
The Armored Skeletons lie shattered, their grinning skulls quietened by your weapons and spells. Now the stairway to the under-crypts yawns like a black mouth to swallow you...

[edit] Part 3 - Narthex

The Tomb of Tvericus Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars Victory Squares
6 6 6
Enemies Quantity
Skeleton Warrior 3
Festering Zombie 3
Pre-Battle Description
The stairway beneath the coffin is narrow, the walls slick with slime. It winds downward into the black crypts, before emptying abruptly into a large high-vaulted foyer. It appears that some undead inhabitants of the crypts, despite being long-dead, have arrived to greet you. Prepare to face both Skeletons and disgusting Festering Zombies!
Post-Battle Description
Skeletons that trouble the living are bad enough, but you hope you've seen the last of those putrescent Festering Zombies...

[edit] Part 4 - Tomb of Tvericus

The Tomb of Tvericus Part4 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
9 6
Enemies Quantity
Tvericus 1
Skeleton Warrior 3
Zombie Mob 4
Pre-Battle Description
Adjacent to the Burning Temple is a large sepulcher of particular opulence. A plaque above the door proclaims this to be the resting place of the famous gigantic warrior Tvericus. Perhaps disturbed by the commotion next door, the fleshless Tvericus has risen to his feet, accompanied by an animated honor guard. He roars in anger at your brazen trespass.
Post-Battle Description
The hulking Tvericus has now been put down, but though you've done the world a service, he was not your quarry... Alet Zhav seems to have eluded your grasp for the time being. Nevertheless, you help yourself to his treasure!

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