Lord Batford's Manor

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Batfords Manor.jpg
Number of Scenarios 6
Pizza Cost to Unlock 40
Guaranteed Reward for Completion
Ring of Appropriation
  • No party deaths
  • All your levels are reduced to 6
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
Shrine of the Astral Guardians, The Jewel of Alet Zhav, The Tomb of Tvericus

[edit] Part 1 - Servants' Quarters

Lord Batfords Manor Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Servants 2
Mercenaries 2
Marksmen 2
Pre-Battle Description
Glancing at your smuggled map of Lord Batford's manor house, you dash across the yard and pop the lock on a side servants' door. At first all is quiet as you slip inside, but a servant spots you and cries out loudly at your entrance! Soon the servants' quarters are astir, and the lowlife thugs in Lord Batford's employ move to dispose of the intruders!
Post-Battle Description
Leaving behind the defeated riffraff, you again consult your map. The shortest route to Banford's sanctuary leads through the kitchens…

[edit] Part 2 - Kitchen

Lord Batfords Manor Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Chef Garcotto 1
Servants 2
War Dog 1
Pre-Battle Description
The servants dispatched, you hasten through narrow corridors and emerge into the Lord's kitchen. Batford's personal chef, the famours Garcotto, raises an enormous cleaver as you enter. An enormous dog growls at his side. En garde, and bon appetite!
Post-Battle Description
You have served up to your opponents a steaming helping of bitter defeat. You hope that the noise of your battles hasn't been heard elsewhere in Batford's spacious mansion.

[edit] Part 3 - Lower Halls

Lord Batfords Manor Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Hardened Mercenary 1
Mercenary 1
Servants 2
Pre-Battle Description
With Garcotto and company down for the count, you consult your map, plotting a new course for Batford's inner sanctum. But now the mansion has been raised in arms against you, and an otherwise innocuous hallway becomes a death trap. A pair of house guards moves to attack!
Post-Battle Description
You must be getting closer, for Batford to be committing well-armed guards against you. Onward and upward!

[edit] Part 4 - Ballroom

Lord Batfords Manor Part4 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
6 6
Enemies Quantity
Alonzo the Sniper 1
Marksmen 4
Pre-Battle Description
With the sounds of battle echoing through the halls and rooms of the mansion, there's no longer any point to stealth. You burst from the hallway into a large ballroom, only to find more guards - armed with crossbows! They're hunkered down and waiting, and worse, you spy Batford's infamous sniper, Alonzo, atop a small staircase that's been made slick with grease. Take cover!
Post-Battle Description
And so passes the infamous Alonzo; he has loosed his final bolt. But he was naught but a distraction, and your true goal still awaits.

[edit] Part 5 - Parlor

Lord Batfords Manor Part5 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Hardened Mercenary 1
War Dog 1
Servants 2
Pre-Battle Description
You burst into a luxurious parlor, certain that Batford is hiding on the other side of the far door. Some of his most loyal and capable guards have gathered here to protect their Lord and master…
Post-Battle Description
With some of Batford's elite guards sprawled lifeless on the tiles, you can hear the Lord himself shouting orders in the next room. Is it your imagination, or does he sound terrified?

[edit] Part 6 - Sanctuary

Lord Batfords Manor Part6 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
7 6
Enemies Quantity
Mercenaries 3
War Dog 1
Lord Batford 1
Pre-Battle Description
Here at last is Lord Batford's personal sanctuary. You can see him cowering in a corner, behind some overturned furniture. Between you and the corrupt Lord stand his most capable bodyguards. Prepare for battle!
Post-Battle Description
Sic transit Lord Batford, and good riddance to a loathsome man of leisure. With the Lord defeated, his treasures are yours for the taking!

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