Mandatory Action

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  • In-Game Text: "You must play this card before playing any non Mandatory card."

[edit] Game Effect

  • Mandatory is an additional mechanic that forces the player to play said card before normal gameplay resumes.
  • Playing traits happens before playing mandatory actions.
  • Unlike traits, playing a mandatory action takes up your turn, unless the card has Cantrip.
  • If there are multiple mandatory actions, you may select which one is played on your turn.
  • If you are unable to play a mandatory action due to a trait or other attachment, you do not have to play the mandatory action. For example, you cannot play Laser Spray if you have Fright attached, or any attachment that would Stun.

Mandatory Action forces a card to be played regardless of other cards in hand, unless an attachment on the character prevents playing that card. Traits are played before mandatory actions are played.

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