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A Priest is a healer and caregiver who has taken vows to aid those in need, especially bold adventurers. But don't make the mistake of thinking all Priests are pure and called to serve in the light: dreadful artifacts may bestow Unholy demonic abilities as well. Priests will have good armor to withstand the rigors of battle, but their true specialty is bestowing all manner of blessings and support for their fellow party members.

Elf PriestHuman PriestDwarf Priest

[edit] Priests by race


  • "Elven Priests are highly mobile support characters who can both heal and curse from a distance. Though they have decent melee weapons, they can't hang in a fight for too long. At higher levels they gain even more powerful Elf movement Skills."
  • Elven Priests begin with 9 HP and gain 1 slightly more often than every other level. (No gain at level 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15, 17)


  • "Human Priests are healers and fighters who can fight in close, aid their friends and curse their enemies. At higher levels they get access to Skill cards that let them manipulate their card draws."
  • Human Priests begin with 12 HP and gain 1 about three out of every four levels. (No gain at level 5, 9, 13, 17)


  • "Dwarven Priests are resilient support characters. With their natural Dwarven toughness, they can hang in a fight but they may have trouble getting into range. At higher levels, their Dwarven Skills make them even harder to hurt."
  • Dwarven Priests begin with 15 HP and gain 1 on almost every level. (No gain at level 14)

[edit] Priest equipment

All Priests begin with a Divine Weapon slot, a Divine Item slot, and Boots. They start with a Crude Healing Charm equipped.

[edit] Priest Health Table

Level Elf Priest Human Priest Dwarf Priest Item Slots Level Elf Priest Human Priest Dwarf Priest
1 10 12 14 Divine Weapon, Divine Item, Boots 26 26 31 36
2 11 13 15 Additional Divine Armor 27 26 32 37
3 12 14 16 Additional Divine Item 28 27 32 38
4 12 15 17 Additional Divine Skill 29 28 33 38
5 13 15 18 Additional Divine Weapon 30 28 34 39
6 14 16 19 Additional Shield 31 29 35 40
7 14 17 20 Additional Divine Item 32 29 35 41
8 15 18 20 Additional Racial Skill 33 30 36 42
9 15 18 21 34 31 37 43
10 16 19 22 35 31 37 44
11 17 20 23 36 32 38 44
12 17 21 24 37 33 39 45
13 18 21 25 38 33 40 46
14 18 22 26 39 34 40 47
15 19 23 26 40 34 41 48
16 20 24 27 41 35 42 49
17 20 24 28 42 36 43 50
18 21 25 29 43 36 43 50
19 22 26 30 44 37 44 51
20 22 26 31 45 37 45 52
21 23 27 32 46 38 46 53
22 23 28 32 47 39 46 54
23 24 29 33 48 39 47 55
24 25 29 34 49 40 48 56
25 25 30 35 50 40 48 56
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