Ruby Demon Portal

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Ruby Demon Portal.jpg
Number of Scenarios 3
  • No party deaths
  • Use only Priests
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
White Skull Canyon
Rescue From Shieldhaven Prison
Diamonds of the Kobolds, Kyburz Market, The Defense of Woodhome
Cuthbert's Costumes
Chest and Barrel

[edit] Part 1 - Ruby Outer Ring

Ruby Demon Portal Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Arcane Imps 2
Fire Imps 2
Pre-Battle Description
Aloyzo's directions bring you to The Ruby Demon Portal. It squats in a scrubby wilderness, surrounded by towering obelisks and tall dead trees in four concentric rings. You must fight your way to the center and speak a charm of sealing before it spews forth an unending army of demons!
Post-Battle Description
Inside several of the demons are useful treasures. Wincing, you retrieve them for later use. Shadows dance among the plinths ahead... You must press on to the next ring of the circle.

[edit] Part 2 - Ruby Middle Ring

Ruby Demon Portal Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
5 6
Enemies Quantity
Arcane Imps 3
Acid Imps 2
Pre-Battle Description
Beyond the standing stones of the outer ring stand a dozen dead black trees. Imps frolic unwholesomely among the boles. Several of these emit an evil green glow, and acid drips from their talons. They bound toward you and attack!
Post-Battle Description
As you approach the inner ring, the stones begin to throb violently, radiating sickly green light. The Portal seems to be building in power and the delighted cries of more demons can be heard in the distance.

[edit] Part 3 - Ruby Portal

Ruby Demon Portal Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Fire Sprite 1
Arcane Imps 2
Fire Imps 1
Pre-Battle Description
The Ruby Demon Portal, a monolith carved with fell runes, flickers with an unholy light. As you arrive, a blazing demonic Fire Sprite emerges from the portal. You must destroy this hateful harbinger of evil before the portal can be sealed!
Post-Battle Description
With the last of the demons dispatched, you may now speak the charm of closing taught to you by your staunch friend Aloyzo. As you chant the mystic syllables, the lights within the portal flicker before disappearing. The gate has now been closed and you have halted the demonic invasion! But for how long?

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