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Has Attack type Melee
Has CardExpansion Basic
Has Cardrarity Common
Has Cardtype Hybrid
Has Damage type Crushing
Has Hybridtype1 Attack
Has Hybridtype2 Boost
Has Keep keyword Yes
Has Slide Back keyword Yes
Has titlebar Silver
Is Bash Card Yes
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Cards/Bash +
Categories Hybrid Card  + , Attack + Boost Card  + , Cards  + , Silver Quality Card  + , Common Card  + , Common Attack + Boost Card  + , Melee Attack Card  + , Crushing Damage Card  + , Common Hybrid Card  + , Common Silver Quality Card  + , Bash Card  + , Basic set Card  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 21 August 2014 07:29:31  +
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Items/Crude Polearm + , Items/Hammer of Bashing + , Items/Light Mace + , Items/Recoiling Mace + , Items/Rotting Club + , Items/Splintering Cudgel + , Items/Stout Club + , Items/Tarnished Hammer + , Items/Unbalanced Greatclub + Has itemcard1 name
Items/Advanced Bashing + , Items/Aureate Mace + , Items/Barbarian's Club + , Items/Beggar's Maul + , Items/Club + , Items/Hammer of Shrouds + , Items/Opaline Hammer + , Items/Sapphire Warstaff + , Items/Supplicant's Hammer + , Items/Trained Bruising + , Items/Weighted Cudgel + Has itemcard2 name
Items/Big Stick + , Items/Feathergod Maul + , Items/Massive Club + , Items/Superb Bashing + , Items/Wicked Broom + Has itemcard3 name
Items/Jade Battlestaff + , Items/Opal Battlestaff + , Items/Rowan Magestaff + Has itemcard4 name
Items/Stinging Staff + Has itemcard5 name


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