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Cards/Blind Rage
Has CardExpansion Basic
Has Cardrarity Rare
Has Cardtype Hybrid
Has Hybridtype1 Boost
Has Hybridtype2 Handicap
Has Trait keyword Yes
Has titlebar Paper
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Cards/Blind Rage +
Categories Hybrid Card  + , Boost + Handicap Card  + , Cards  + , Paper Quality Card  + , Rare Card  + , Rare Boost + Handicap Card  + , Rare Hybrid Card  + , Rare Paper Quality Card  + , Basic set Card  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 13 July 2015 09:57:37  +
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Items/Raging Rock + Has itemcard1 name
Items/Apprentice Ferocity + , Items/Crazy Sal's Halberd + , Items/Enormous Tree Branch + , Items/Ferocity + , Items/Raging Battler + , Items/Raging Drunk + , Items/Raging Resilience + Has itemcard2 name
Items/Advanced Ferocity + , Items/Angry Jack's Helmet + , Items/Bloody Stoutness + , Items/Crimson Morningstar + , Items/Cudgel of Wrath + , Items/Cursed Radcannon + , Items/God's Rage + , Items/Perfect Ferocity + , Items/Raging Brute + , Items/Sugar Rage + , Items/Troll's Ire + Has itemcard3 name
Items/Atchocl's Spear + , Items/Blackeye Hammer + , Items/Captain Cedric's Vow + , Items/Eixocl's Hammer + , Items/Flashing Longspear + , Items/Heavyweight Mace + , Items/Rageblood Dagger + , Items/Reaper's Scythe + , Items/Ztoli Branch + Has itemcard4 name
Items/Mad Centaur's Spear + , Items/St. Xarol's Axe + , Items/Starknife + Has itemcard5 name
Items/Cat'Leth + , Items/Flail of Fury + Has itemcard6 name


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