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Cards/Chain Harness
Has Armor keyword Yes
Has CardExpansion Basic
Has Cardrarity Rare
Has Cardtype Hybrid
Has Hybridtype1 Armor
Has Hybridtype2 Boost
Has Keep keyword Yes
Has titlebar Bronze
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Cards/Chain Harness +
Categories Cards  + , Bronze Quality Card  + , Rare Card  + , Rare Bronze Quality Card  + , Basic set Card  + , Hybrid Card  + , Rare Hybrid Card  + , Armor + Boost Card  + , Rare Armor + Boost Card  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 28 August 2014 02:40:06  +
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Items/Ariston's Helmet + , Items/Clowen's Boots + , Items/Duncan's Chain Cap + , Items/Granwick's Ringmail + , Items/Hawlic's Glowing Shirt + , Items/Inara's Boots + , Items/Lt. Buckwell's Strapping + , Items/Mathiam's Helm + , Items/Pearlescent Mail + , Items/Poisoner's Harness + , Items/Quigley's Cap + , Items/Quornic's Armor + , Items/Sergeant's Helm + , Items/Shiny Chain Coif + , Items/Unholy Nimbus + , Items/Zoltan's Helm + Has itemcard1 name
Items/Apprentice Stoutness + , Items/Aranak's Chain Web + , Items/Bulging Ringmail + , Items/Frog Strapping + , Items/Howling Hood + , Items/Intrepid Spacesuit + , Items/Juniper's Jumper + , Items/Ozone Plates + , Items/Town Ravager's Hide + , Items/Trained Toughness + Has itemcard2 name
Items/Space Captain's Coif + Has itemcard3 name


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