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Cards/Creature of the Night
Has CardExpansion Castle Mitternacht
Has Cardrarity Uncommon
Has Cardtype Handicap
Has Keep keyword Yes
Has Trait keyword Yes
Has titlebar Black
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Cards/Creature of the Night +
Categories Cards  + , Black Quality Card  + , Uncommon Card  + , Uncommon Black Quality Card  + , Handicap Card  + , Uncommon Handicap Card  + , Expansion set Card  + , Castle Mitternacht Card  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 28 October 2016 10:04:51  +
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Items/Ilinca's Moccasins + , Items/Lich's Locket + , Items/Sludge Pendant + , Items/Wand of the Lost Woods + Has itemcard2 name
Items/Angry Jack's Boots + , Items/Blinking Wisp Bauble + , Items/Bump in the Night + , Items/Chask's Relief + , Items/Corrupted Feystaff + , Items/Corrupted Shroud + , Items/Coven Raiments + , Items/Creepy Box + , Items/Cursed Assassin's Token + , Items/Dirty Bundle + , Items/Drow Rapidity + , Items/Frenzied Lycanthropy + , Items/Galvanized Zombie Boots + , Items/Galvanized Zombie Helm + , Items/Galvanized Zombie Plates + , Items/Ghoul's Rags + , Items/Haunted Mail + , Items/Howling Steel Helm + , Items/Malevolent Robes + , Items/Nightmetal Shield + Has itemcard3 name
Items/Belching Specterstaff + , Items/St. Hedvig's Black Axe + , Items/Young Specterstaff + Has itemcard6 name
Cards/Creature Of The Night + redirect page


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