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Has CardExpansion Basic
Has Cardrarity Rare
Has Cardtype Hybrid
Has Hybridtype1 Move
Has Hybridtype2 Boost
Has Keep keyword Yes
Has titlebar Bronze
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Cards/Dodge +
Categories Hybrid Card  + , Move + Boost Card  + , Cards  + , Rare Card  + , Rare Move + Boost Card  + , Bronze Quality Card  + , Rare Hybrid Card  + , Rare Bronze Quality Card  + , Basic set Card  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 14 December 2014 06:33:53  +
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Items/Advanced Insight + , Items/Apprentice Insight + , Items/Jackrabbit Shield + , Items/Perfect Insight + , Items/Quick Jon's Buckler + , Items/Quinn's Buckler + , Items/Rusty Buckler + , Items/Shield of Ultimate Dodging + , Items/Superb Insight + , Items/Untrained Insight + Has itemcard1 name
Items/Backflip Buckler + , Items/Bolg's Club of Evasion + , Items/Jannivol's Shield + , Items/Shield of Affliction + , Items/Sparkling Shield + , Items/Throon's Quick Laser Shield + Has itemcard2 name
Items/Bec de Corbin + , Items/Chapeau of the Afflicted Artist + , Items/Crimson Robe + , Items/Eixocl's Hammer + , Items/Forrtescue's Feathered Cap + , Items/Helm of Preparation + , Items/Lt. Morrison's Helmet + , Items/Party Leader Hat + , Items/Pirate's Rapier + , Items/Quick Jon's Axe + , Items/Reaper's Scythe + , Items/Sanger's Space Cap + , Items/Silver Helmet + , Items/Startrooper's Crown + Has itemcard3 name
Items/Keen Baselard + Has itemcard4 name
Items/Axe of Evasion + Has itemcard6 name


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