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Cards/Force Bolt
Has Attack type Magic
Has CardExpansion Basic
Has Cardrarity Common
Has Cardtype Attack
Has Damage type Arcane
Has Slide Back keyword Yes
Has titlebar Paper
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Cards/Force Bolt +
Categories Attack Card  + , Cards  + , Paper Quality Card  + , Common Card  + , Common Attack Card  + , Magic Attack Card  + , Arcane Damage Card  + , Common Paper Quality Card  + , Basic set Card  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 September 2013 04:51:48  +
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Items/Arcane Crown + , Items/Perplexing Mirror + , Items/Staff of Defense + , Items/Turquoise Staff + Has itemcard1 name
Items/Boltswap Robes + , Items/Booming Ring + , Items/Cloudy Circlet + , Items/Green Wand + , Items/Novice Teleportation + , Items/Obscure Stone + , Items/Red Lacquer Box + , Items/The Soulstone + , Items/Untrained Rifthopping + Has itemcard2 name
Items/Apprentice Rifthopping + , Items/Befuddling Stone + , Items/Bewildering Triangle + , Items/Displacing Staff + , Items/Fogging Ring + , Items/Forceful Robes + , Items/Mind Water Ring + , Items/Novice Corrosion + , Items/Novice Obfuscation + , Items/Relentless Staff + , Items/Repelling Feystaff + , Items/Silverweft Robes + , Items/Thaumaturge's Robe + , Items/Trained Rifthopping + Has itemcard3 name
Items/Antipathy + , Items/Gusting Feystaff + , Items/Sub-zero Staff + Has itemcard4 name


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