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Cards/Hardy Mail
Has Armor keyword Yes
Has CardExpansion Basic
Has Cardrarity Common
Has Cardtype Armor
Has Keep keyword Yes
Has titlebar Bronze
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Cards/Hardy Mail +
Categories Armor Card  + , Cards  + , Bronze Quality Card  + , Common Card  + , Common Armor Card  + , Common Bronze Quality Card  + , Basic set Card  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 10 April 2013 18:34:39  +
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Items/Bashing Mail + , Items/Blasting Robes + , Items/Blessed Ring Shirt + , Items/Chain Scraps + , Items/Defensive Helm + , Items/Eixtl's Winged Mail + , Items/Healer's Jerkin + , Items/Holy Nimbus + , Items/Hotblast Robe + , Items/Lightfoot Robes + , Items/Monkey Skin Mask + , Items/Old Padded Mail + , Items/Portal Frock + , Items/Reinforced Hide Armor + , Items/Reliable Scale Mail + , Items/Solid Mail + , Items/Strong Healer's Mail + , Items/Thin Leather Shirt + , Items/Toasty Robes + Has itemcard1 name
Items/Apprentice Resilience + , Items/Bastion Boots + , Items/Crusty Helm + , Items/Dark Chain Shirt + , Items/Galvanized Zombie Boots + , Items/Glimmer Boots + , Items/Good Spiked Boots + , Items/Mazarine Boots + , Items/Pixie Hide Cloak + , Items/Plate Mail + , Items/Spiked Scale Mail + , Items/Veteran's Helmet + , Items/Vigilante's Hood + , Items/Weakling's Helm + , Items/Zealous Mail + Has itemcard2 name
Items/Black Iron Boots + , Items/Charging Battler + , Items/Maztl Helm + , Items/Tough Resilience + Has itemcard3 name


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