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Cards/Lunging Thrust
Has Attack type Melee
Has CardExpansion Basic
Has Cardrarity Common
Has Cardtype Hybrid
Has Damage type Piercing
Has Hybridtype1 Attack
Has Hybridtype2 Move
Has Step keyword Yes
Has titlebar Bronze
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Cards/Lunging Thrust +
Categories Hybrid Card  + , Attack + Move Card  + , Cards  + , Bronze Quality Card  + , Common Card  + , Common Attack + Move Card  + , Melee Attack Card  + , Piercing Damage Card  + , Common Hybrid Card  + , Common Bronze Quality Card  + , Basic set Card  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 8 September 2013 05:11:46  +
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Items/Lunging Glaive + , Items/Lunging Spetum + , Items/Mantis Boots + , Items/Nimble Chain Boots + , Items/Old Adze + , Items/Stiletto + Has itemcard1 name
Items/Boots of Aggression + , Items/Dagger + , Items/Fang Shield + , Items/Gouging Helm + , Items/Light Chain Boots + , Items/Monkey Skin Mask + , Items/Precise Dervish + , Items/Rusted Blade + , Items/Sharp Shell + , Items/Silver Scalpel + , Items/Simple Dagger + , Items/Spear of Dancing + , Items/Spiked Shield + , Items/Sturdy Rapier + , Items/Tochtli Boots + Has itemcard2 name
Items/Battered Buckler + , Items/Duelist's Heirloom Shield + , Items/Manhunter + , Items/Marshall's Boots + , Items/Vigilante's Hood + Has itemcard3 name
Items/Dragonslayer Sword + Has itemcard4 name


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