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Has Block Melee keyword Yes
Has CardExpansion Basic
Has Cardrarity Common
Has Cardtype Block
Has titlebar Bronze
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Cards/Parry +
Categories Block Card  + , Cards  + , Bronze Quality Card  + , Common Card  + , Common Block Card  + , Common Bronze Quality Card  + , Basic set Card  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 28 August 2013 09:26:11  +
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Items/Beginner Toughness + , Items/Black Cat Buckler + , Items/Blazing Buckler + , Items/Heavy Dueler's Shield + , Items/Heavy Wooden Shield + , Items/Impetuous Shield + , Items/Parrying Buckler + Has itemcard1 name
Items/Dueler's Buckler + , Items/Duelist's Heirloom Shield + , Items/Oakenheart Shield + , Items/Rusty Buckler + , Items/Steel-rimmed Buckler + , Items/Tough Charger + , Items/Trained Flexibility + , Items/Untrained Toughness + Has itemcard2 name
Items/Aegis of the Bat + , Items/Buckler + , Items/Careful Attacker + , Items/Chilled Buckler + , Items/Lucky Toughness + , Items/Recoiling Mace + , Items/Short Blasting Staff + , Items/Solid Rock + , Items/Superb Command + , Items/Superb Resilience + Has itemcard3 name
Items/Blocking Mace + , Items/Oaken Staff of the Magus + , Items/Opaline Hammer + , Items/Silverwood Staff of the Magus + , Items/Snitrick's Last Stand + , Items/The Goldleaf Blade + , Items/Warrior's Mace + Has itemcard4 name
Items/Marine's Cutlass + , Items/Swamp Staff + Has itemcard5 name
Items/Ironwood Staff of the Magus + , Items/Sorcerer's Staff + Has itemcard6 name


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