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Cards/Reliable Hide Armor
Has Armor keyword Yes
Has CardExpansion Basic
Has Cardrarity Common
Has Cardtype Armor
Has Keep keyword Yes
Has titlebar Paper
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Cards/Reliable Hide Armor +
Categories Armor Card  + , Cards  + , Paper Quality Card  + , Common Card  + , Common Armor Card  + , Common Paper Quality Card  + , Basic set Card  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 24 April 2014 02:46:48  +
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Items/Armor of Surety + , Items/Beast's Robes + , Items/Cleansing Hide Armor + , Items/Gray Robe + , Items/Green Hide Robe + , Items/Healing Hide Armor + , Items/Lt. Morrison's Helmet + , Items/Orange Cloak + , Items/Robes of Illusion + , Items/Sergeant's Cap + , Items/Trainee's Cap + , Items/Trog Skin Jacket + , Items/Whispering Robe + Has itemcard1 name
Items/Amber Robes + , Items/Barbarian's Mail + , Items/Bulky Leather Vest + , Items/Crackling Robes + , Items/Gorilla Skin Mask + , Items/Greenhide Armor + , Items/Helm of Reinforcement + , Items/Hidebound Boots + , Items/Humming Hide Robes + , Items/Imp-proof Robes + , Items/Lightfoot Cloak + , Items/Plain Old Armor + , Items/Reinforced Hide Armor + , Items/Shaman's Felt Cap + , Items/Sturdy Armor + , Items/Superb Stoutness + , Items/Thick Cuirass + Has itemcard2 name
Items/Adventuring Boots + , Items/Apprentice Toughness + , Items/Beginner Toughness + , Items/Commander's Cap + , Items/Croc Skin Boots + , Items/Gauntlets of the Giant + , Items/Glowing Hide Armor + , Items/Hardened Hide Armor + , Items/Hunting Boots + , Items/Jerkin of Thorns + , Items/Novice Stoutness + , Items/Skipping Boots + , Items/Untrained Toughness + , Items/Vigilante's Coat + Has itemcard3 name


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