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Cards/Shimmering Aura
Has Armor keyword Yes
Has CardExpansion Basic
Has Cardrarity Rare
Has Cardtype Armor
Has Keep keyword Yes
Has titlebar Bronze
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Cards/Shimmering Aura +
Categories Armor Card  + , Cards  + , Rare Card  + , Rare Armor Card  + , Bronze Quality Card  + , Rare Bronze Quality Card  + , Basic set Card  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 27 October 2014 07:07:39  +
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Items/Bimson's Glowstone Robes + , Items/Gouging Helm + , Items/Iberial's Boots + , Items/Scintillating Robes + , Items/Shaman's Felt Cap + , Items/Sharp Shell + , Items/Shimmering Helm + , Items/Shimmerwing Robe + , Items/St. Gwendolyn's Armor + , Items/St. Osrim's Corona + , Items/St. Tesrim's Corona + , Items/Static Robes + , Items/Vira's Shimmering Robes + , Items/Vira's Shoes + Has itemcard1 name
Items/Chadwick's Clogs + , Items/Charging Boots + , Items/Holy Chainmail + , Items/Holy Leather Armor + , Items/Mageslayer Mail + , Items/Oliver's Boots + , Items/Ozerian's Boots + , Items/Shimmering Hood + , Items/Sparking Shell + , Items/Vibrant Plate + , Items/Vigilant Panoply + , Items/Wex's Mail + , Items/Xalanen's Boots + Has itemcard2 name
Items/Aataabulous's Boots + , Items/Coruscating Mail + , Items/Goldshine Mail + , Items/Mail of St. Aulx + , Items/Ogre Plate + , Items/Spiked Platemail + , Items/Tarik's Heavy Plate + Has itemcard3 name


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