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Cards/Spear of Darkness
Has Attack type Melee
Has CardExpansion Basic
Has Cardrarity Rare
Has Cardtype Attack
Has Damage type Unholy
Has Heal keyword Yes
Has titlebar Bronze
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Cards/Spear of Darkness +
Categories Attack Card  + , Cards  + , Rare Card  + , Rare Attack Card  + , Bronze Quality Card  + , Melee Attack Card  + , Unholy Damage Card  + , Rare Bronze Quality Card  + , Basic set Card  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 27 October 2014 08:11:48  +
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Items/Badjeera's Black Relic + , Items/Flax's Thirsty Vial + , Items/Glasod's Dark Skull + , Items/Gray Prayer Beads + , Items/Hand of Melvelous + , Items/Midnight Shroud + , Items/St. Voral's Charm + , Items/Wuuna's Vampiric Shroud + Has itemcard1 name
Items/Chalchu's Hammer + , Items/Count Yurik's Teeth + , Items/Countess Jovana's Talisman + , Items/Darkforce Nunchaku + , Items/Glasod's Dark Thighbone + , Items/Knife of St. Blenko + , Items/Kristoph's Skull + , Items/Nanahut's Morningstar + , Items/Relic of the First Vampire + , Items/St. Gennyf's Temptation + , Items/St. Hongjin's Soulstone + , Items/Unholy Conduit + , Items/Vak's Portable Infirmary + , Items/Very Bad Gift + Has itemcard2 name
Items/Bynzer's Black Spear + , Items/Inkdark Halberd + , Items/Jornin's Figurine + , Items/Spear of St. Qaith + , Items/St. Tesrim's Corona + Has itemcard3 name
Cards/Spear Of Darkness + redirect page


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