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Cards/Strong Hack
Has Attack type Melee
Has CardExpansion Basic
Has Cardrarity Rare
Has Cardtype Attack
Has Damage type Slashing
Has titlebar Bronze
Has queryThis property is a special property in this wiki. Cards/Strong Hack +
Categories Attack Card  + , Cards  + , Bronze Quality Card  + , Rare Card  + , Rare Attack Card  + , Melee Attack Card  + , Slashing Damage Card  + , Rare Bronze Quality Card  + , Basic set Card  +
Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki. 27 October 2014 07:49:25  +
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Items/Adamant Shortsword + , Items/Bloody Battleaxe + , Items/Dark Drewg's Mace + , Items/The Strongarm + , Items/Vigun's Blessed Blade + Has itemcard1 name
Items/Acolyte's Axe + , Items/Darune's Dagger + , Items/Maquah of Ancient Blood + , Items/Sacrificial Axe + , Items/St. Ozark's Blade + , Items/The Hackmaster + , Items/The Tenderizer + , Items/Troll's Ire + , Items/Unbalanced Doloire + Has itemcard2 name
Items/Axe of the Titans + , Items/Final Sword + , Items/Grimsong's Scythe + , Items/Hawlic's Handy Axe + , Items/LoPiccolo's Lash + , Items/Mithril Aegisblade + , Items/Petochl's Sword + , Items/Quornic's Battleaxe + , Items/Reap the Whirlwind + , Items/Red Shaman's Blade + , Items/The Goldleaf Blade + Has itemcard3 name
Items/Bohemian Ear Spoon + Has itemcard4 name
Items/Long-handled Mace + , Items/Master's Battleaxe + Has itemcard5 name


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