The Jewel of Alet Zhav

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Alet Zhav.jpg
Number of Scenarios 4
  • No party deaths
  • All your levels are reduced to 5
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
The Tomb of Tvericus
Citrine Demon Portal, Lord Batford's Manor
Riddle of the Gnome Lords

[edit] Part 1 - Zombie Pit

The Jewel of Alet Zhav Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
12 6
Enemies Quantity
Zombies 4
More Zombies 4
Zombie Mob 4
Pre-Battle Description
Returning to the tomb of Tvericus with excavation gear, you begin to dig your way into Alet Zhav’s chambers below. As you toil, you trigger a magical ward, and your tunnel floor crumbles! You tumble downward and are unceremoniously deposited in a large natural cavern. The rank smell of Zombies is nearly overpowering, and the groans of the dead come from all directions…
Post-Battle Description
All around you lie the remains of Zombies, up from which now wafts a reek even more foul than what they emanated in their unlife. You desperately search for an exit from this abattoir of necromancy!

[edit] Part 2 - Burning Temple

The Jewel of Alet Zhav Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
4 6
Enemies Quantity
Burning Skeletons 2
Burning Skeletons 2
Pre-Battle Description
After some searching, you find a small hidden passage leading from the Zombie pit. It leads through the putrid darkness for a hundred yards or more before you see a red glow up ahead, and hear a faint chanting. You emerge into some sort of fire temple, where a group of blazing Skeletons is enacting an ancient rite of destruction. They are not pleased about the interruption.
Post-Battle Description
Though the Burning Skeletons have been extinguished, the fires of evil still burn within this wretched place. Treasure seem of secondary concern when compared to cleansing this grim mausoleum. Still, you overturn the chamber and discover some useful items…

[edit] Part 3 - Antechamber

The Jewel of Alet Zhav Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
8 6
Enemies Quantity
Muscular Zombie 1
Festering Zombies 2
Zombies 5
Pre-Battle Description
You break into the antechamber of the tomb. At first the room seems deserted, but soon enough you hear the squelching of moldering flesh and the groans of the rotting deceased. These zombified guardians will suffer no living creature to pass!
Post-Battle Description
With a sickening thud, the last of your enemies’ corpses drops the stone floor. Now nothing stands between you and a final confrontation with Alet Zhav!

[edit] Part 4 - Tomb of Alet Zhav

The Jewel of Alet Zhav Part4 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars Victory Squares
7 6 6
Enemies Quantity
Muscular Zombie 1
Festering Zombie 1
Alet Zhav 1
Skeleton Warriors 2
Pre-Battle Description
At last… the Tomb of Alet Zhav, the infamous sorcerer who once terrorized the surrounding countryside. Zhav waits at the far end of his ornate repository and a host of Skeletons and Zombies, stands ready to defend him. At least there is no question about the location of the fabled Jewel that you seek; it glitters with a sickly yellow hue in the bony sorcerer’s eye socket! He raises a crooked finger and beckons you forward, daring you to take his prize.
Post-Battle Description
Success! The Jewel of Zhav is yours for the taking, and you take it. Straight from the rolling skull of the corrupted sorcerer. Well done, adventurers!

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