Diamonds of the Kobolds

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Number of Scenarios 3
Guaranteed Reward for Completion
  • No party deaths
  • Party has one health
  • Equip only items with a Drawback card
Unlocked By
Dungeon of the Lizard Priest, Rescue From Shieldhaven Prison, Ruby Demon Portal, Slub Gut's Sanctum
Beneath the Frozen Earth, Forest of Souls, Valley of Tezkal
Order of the Core, The Compass of Xorr
The White Star

[edit] Part 1 - Gashstone Pass

Diamonds of the Kobolds Part1 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
8 6
Enemies Quantity
Kobold Warrior 3
Kobold Warrior 3
Kobold Lunger 2
Pre-Battle Description
You travel through the rocky and dangerous lowland hills leading to the mountains. The mines can only be accessed via the Gashstone Pass, a passageway so narrow that legend has it that a band of adventurers once defended it against an entire army of Goblins for three days. The Kobolds have heavily fortified the pass, aware that it holds the key to their defense of the mine. With blood-curdling cries, a horde of Kobolds charge you! Defend yourself!
Post-Battle Description
The pass is littered with the corpses of dead Kobolds. The vultures will feast tonight! This bleak mountain pass is no place to rest. You follow the single path leading up the mountain towards the mine.

[edit] Part 2 - Mine Entrance

Diamonds of the Kobolds Part2 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars Victory Squares
5 6 2
Enemies Quantity
Kobold Lunger 3
Armored Pig 2
Pre-Battle Description
The entrance to the mine is guarded by a group of Kobolds busy at a game of dice. They are impossible to surprise, due to the presence of several Armored Pigs, which are aggressive and territorial guards.
Post-Battle Description
With the guards and their porcine pets slain, you may now enter the mine and start plundering in earnest.

[edit] Part 3 - Mineshaft

Diamonds of the Kobolds Part3 Map.jpg
Victory Stars Loss Stars
7 6
Enemies Quantity
Kobold Warrior 3
Kobold Lunger 2
Kobold Spearman 2
Pre-Battle Description
The mine is a series of small and interwoven tunnels. The tunnels are dark and cramped and these conditions favor the diminutive Kobolds. Naturally, this is where they choose to attack in force! Kobolds are greedier than goblins, or even Dwarves, so will not give up their riches without a fight. Prepare yourself!
Post-Battle Description
The Kobolds could do little against your superior force of arms and you are free to search the mines. Unfortunately, the Kobolds have escaped with some of their wealth, however, you do find a chest that was left behind in the panic caused by your raid. After examining your loot, you interrogate the Kobold leader. He reveals the location of a further mine to the northwest.

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